Bill Locke is a consultant with Oakwood Systems Group, a leading consulting firm based in St Louis, MO. Bill has been involved in the development of tools and add-ons for Visual Basic for as many years as Visual Basic has existed. The original author of VBTools, one of the first custom control packages for Visual Basic, he has developed Visual Basic tools in C and C++ for the past nine years. During most of those years, Bill worked as lead developer at MicroHelp Inc., once a leading tools vendor. He is currently a partner in BeCubed Inc., also a producer of add-on tools. During his tenure at MicroHelp, Bill headed up a development team for two releases of MicroHelp's UnInstaller for Windows®, a successful utility in the retail market. During this time, he has spoken at VBITS and other conferences around the U.S. and the world about the complexities and virtues of using the C++ language and techniques to enhance Visual Basic programming.