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Jonathan Dinu

Jonathan Dinu is an author, researcher, and most importantly, an educator. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon's Human Computer Interaction Institute (HCII), where he is working to democratize machine learning and artificial intelligence through interpretable and interactive algorithms. Previously, he founded Zipfian Academy (an immersive data science training program acquired by Galvanize), has taught classes at the University of San Francisco, and has built a Data Visualization MOOC with Udacity. In addition to his professional data science experience, he has run data science trainings for a Fortune 500 company and taught workshops at Strata, PyData, and DataWeek (among others). He first discovered his love of all things data while studying Computer Science and Physics at UC Berkeley, and in a former life he worked for Alpine Data Labs developing distributed machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics on Hadoop.

Jonathan has always had a passion for sharing the things he has learned in the most creative ways he can. When he is not working with students, you can find him blogging about data, visualization, and education at hopelessoptimism.com or rambling on Twitter @jonathandinu.