Yiannis G. Mostrous is Editor of the Silk Road Investor (www.SilkRoadInvestor.com), a financial advisory dedicated to emerging markets, a field that he has been covering since 2001. He is also an Associate Editor of Personal Finance, a widely circulated financial newsletter. He has been a guest on radio shows around the country and Canada. He is a coauthor of The Silk Road to Riches: How You Can Profit by Investing in Asia’s Newfound Prosperity. He holds an MBA degree from Marymount University.
Elliott H. Gue is Editor of The Energy Strategist, the premier financial advisory dedicated to energy markets, a field he has been covering since 2002. He is also editor of Personal Finance (www.pfnewsletter.com). He is a regular guest on “Clean Skies TV” (www.CleanSkies.com) and on radio shows in North America. He is a coauthor of The Silk Road to Riches: How You Can Profit by Investing in Asia’s Newfound Prosperity. He holds a Masters of Finance degree from the University of London.
David F. Dittman is Editor of the Maple Leaf Memo, a weekly newsletter dedicated to the analysis of the Canadian economy and financial markets. He is also an Associate Editor of Canadian Edge (www.CanadianEdge.com), a financial advisory that identifies investment opportunities in Canada. He holds a juris doctor from the Villanova University School of Law.