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Ivan Krstic

Benjamin Mako Hill serves on Ubuntu's Community Council governance board, which helps advise the Ubuntu Foundation. He works at the MIT Media Lab and on the One Laptop Per Child project.

Jono Bacon, Ubuntu community manager, was formerly an open source consultant in the United Kingdom. He is the author of Practical PHP and MySQL(R).

Ivan Krstiฤ‡, Ubuntu Server Team administrator, develops software architecture for the One Laptop Per Child project

David J. Murphy recently jointed Canonical as a developer for Launchpad.

Jonathan Jesse serves on the Ubuntu Documentation Team, contributes to the Kubuntu documentatiation, and tests for the Ubuntu Laptop Testing Team.

Peter Savage, developer of the Edubuntu's Thin Client Manager software, created the Edubuntu Schools Advocacy documentation.

Corey Burger serves on Ubuntu's Documentation and Laptop Testing Teams, and is deploying Ubuntu at non governmental organizations across Vancouver Island.