VICTOR A. CANTO is Chairman and Founder of La Jolla Economics, an economic consulting firm located in La Jolla, California. He served as tenured Associate Professor of Finance and Business Economics at the University of Southern California (USC), and as Visiting Professor at both the Universidad Central del Este (Dominican Republic) and UCLA.
Dr. Canto has been published in The Wall Street Journal and Investor’s Business Daily, and in many leading economic journals, including Economic Inquiry, Journal of Macroeconomics, The International Journal, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, The Southern Economic Journal, Applied Economics, Weltwirstchaftliches Archiv, The CATO Journal, Public Finance, and The Journal of International Money and Finance. His series on portfolio strategy appeared in the Financial Analysts Journal.
He holds a M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago (1974, 1977).