Joshua Barnes is one of the founders of Unified Process Mentors ( and specializes in enterprise-level implementations of Rational Unified Process (RUP) and IBM Rational solutions. He has more than a decade of experience in guiding companies toward improving the implementation of new process solutions and technology in roles of mentor and coach. In the coaching role, he assists organizations in developing a strategy for implementing an improved process and the resulting organizational culture changes. His focus is the company’s Return on Investment (ROI), and he helps manage how much effective change a given organization can adopt at any given point. In the role of mentor, he works in the trenches, hand-in-hand with the practitioners, transferring to them his skill, experience, and expertise.
Among the numerous industry roles that Joshua holds or has held are: member (1 of 20) of the international IBM Rational Process and Portfolio Management Methods Customer Advisory Group (CAG); Program Director of the largest Rational User Group in the country; Co-Discussion Facilitator of the Rational Method Composer and RUP developerWorks forum; and member (1 of 4) of the Process and Portfolio Management Panel of Experts IBM Rational Software Development Conference. He is a frequent speaker for various industry conferences, such as Rational Software Development Conference (RSDC).
Joshua lives in Jacksonville, Florida, with his wife, Barbara. He enjoys racing sports cars, drinking entirely too much espresso, and sipping Tequila.