Zak Greant is a technical evangelist, author and programmer whose deep and constant love of Free Software and Open Source has made him an admired and sought-after speaker, developer and advocate. Zak currently works at eZ Systems where he helps businesses and Free/Open projects create and execute plans for their strategic, marketing, human resource, product, service, and information technology management activities.
Chris Newman is a consultant programmer specializing in database development with an Internet twist. He has extensive commercial experience of using PHP to integrate various database systems and has produced a wide range of applications for an international client base. He runs Lightwood Consultancy Ltd, the company he founded in 1999 to further his interest in online database development. Newman has served as a technical editor on several books from Sams, including PHP and MySQL Web Development, Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL & Apache All in One, and Red Hat Fedora Unleashed. He is a frequent contributor to and also wrote SQLite and Sams Teach Yourself PHP in 10 Minutes.