Kenn Scribner is a full-time consultant specializing in distributed applications, COM, Windows programming, and systems architecture. Kenn also instructs for Wintellect (, where he wrote both the XML for Windows Programmers and Web Services courses. He has written or contributed to a number of books, including Understanding SOAP (Sams Publishing), Sams Teach Yourself ATL Programming in 21 Days (Sams Publishing), MFC Programming with Visual C++ Unleashed (Sams Publishing), Sams Teach Yourself DirectX 7 in 21 Days (Sams Publishing), and Professional MFC (Wrox Press).
Mark C. Stiver is a consulting software engineer with the largest news and business online information service, LexisNexis. Mark has over 12 years of distributed application experience in commercial, industrial, and military software development and is the co-author of Understanding SOAP (Sams Publishing). Mark is currently a major contributor to the architecture, design, and development of Web Services for large-scale data warehouse systems.