Brian Clegg
Born in Rochdale, Lancashire, UK, he has MAs from Cambridge (Natural Sciences) and Lancaster (Operational Research). He spent 17 years with British Airways in a range of jobs including Business Support and Operational Research Manager and manager responsible for all personal computing. Promoted creativity initially within BA and later on a wider front. Author of over a dozen business books and regular columnist with PC Week and Personal Computer World magazines, Brian consults for corporations on business creativity, human/computer interface, and flexible software development.
Paul Birch
Born in Chalfont St Giles, Bucks, UK, he earned a degree from Newcastle Polytechnic, DMS from East Berks Management School, and an MBA at Lancaster University. He worked with British Airways for 17 years in a range of roles covering Operational Research, Information Technology, Marketing Finance, Strategy, and, most recently, Corporate Jester. He developed an interest in creativity a few years ago when it became clear that the single largest differentiator that BA had in the marketplace was the creativity of its people. Author of numerous articles, instructional pamphlets, and books and now founder of a creativity consultancy.