Steve Potts is an independent consultant, author, and Java instructor in Atlanta, Georgia (United States). Steve received his computer science degree in 1982 from Georgia Tech. He has worked in a number of disciplines during his 20-year career, with manufacturing being his area of greatest expertise. His previous books include Special Edition Using Visual C++ 4 and Java 1.2 How-To. He can be reached via e-mail at
Alex Pestrikov is an independent consultant specializing in J2EE technologies. He graduated from the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut. Alex has been involved in a number of J2EE projects in both the United States and Canada, most recently consulting for the government of Ontario. He lives with his fiancée, Stephanie, in Toronto and can be reached at
Mike Kopack is a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he earned a bachelor of science degree in computer science. Mike is a Sun Certified Java Programmer with experience dating back to JDK 1.0.2. He specializes in server-side Web technologies. His prior work has involved building dynamic Web site content management systems for multibillion-dollar corporations. Currently he works as a software engineer for ISX Corporation in Atlanta, Georgia.