J. C. Cannon is a privacy strategist in the Corporate Privacy Group at Microsoft. He works as a technical strategist for the team, focusing on ways to apply technology to applications that will give consumers better control over their privacy and enable developers to create privacy-aware applications. J. C. works closely with Microsoft product groups and Microsoft research, and gives presentations to developers from other companies on building privacy in to their applications. Prior to this role, J. C. was a program manager for Active Directory for two and a half years. In this role, he worked with developers and independent software vendors on integration strategies for Active Directory and applications. He has written several white papers on Active Directory integration, which are on MSDN, and has given presentations on Active Directory integration techniques at major Microsoft conferences.
Before coming to Microsoft in 1998, he spent ten years as a software consultant helping companies integrate Microsoft technologies into their applications and businesses. Previous to becoming a consultant, J. C. worked as a software developer for companies in the United States, England, France, and Sweden. J. C. started his career in software in 1979 after ending his six-year career in the U.S. Navy, where he fixed avionics for A6 aircraft. Three of those years were spent working on the flight deck of aircraft carriers. J. C. received his Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from the University of Texas at Dallas.
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