Mandy Andress is the founder and president of ArcSec Technologies. Before starting ArcSec Technologies, Mandy worked for Exxon USA and several Big 5 accounting firms, including Deloitte & Touche and Ernst & Young. At Exxon, Mandy worked in the internal audit department, performing information system controls reviews for Exxon USA departments and subsidiaries. At Deloitte & Touche, she focused on security controls analysis, performing many security audits in the healthcare, financial services, oil and gas, and energy industries. At Ernst & Young, Mandy increased her technical skills by performing vulnerability assessments, firewall reviews, PKI analysis and deployment, security architecture design, and development and deployment of VPN solutions. While at Ernst & Young, Mandy gained extensive hands-on experience with numerous security products and technologies.
After leaving the Big 5, Mandy worked as Director of Security for Privada, Inc., a privacy startup in San Jose, and Chief Security Officer for Evant, an ASP startup in San Francisco. In these roles, Mandy helped develop security policies, secure network design, develop firewall/VPN solutions, increase physical security, secure product design, and periodic network vulnerability testing.
Mandy has written numerous security product and technology reviews for InfoWorld magazine and other publications including Information Security Magazine, Network World, Federal Computer Week, Internet Security Advisor, and IBM DeveloperWorks. She is also a frequent presenter at conferences, including Networld+Interop, BlackHat, SANS, and TISC. She is also the author of Surviving Security: How to Integrate People, Process, and Technology (Sams, 2001).
Mandy holds a bachelor of business administration[nd]accounting degree and a master of science degree from Texas A&M University.