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Simon Rutley-Frayne

Jarrod Hollingworth has been programming for over 15 years and has several years experience in C++Builder. He is now a software development consultant for his own business, Backslash, based in Melbourne, Australia. Dan Butterfield has been programming for over 15 years and has knowledge of many languages C and C++. He is currently writing mathematical modeling software for the Aquatic Environments Research Centre at The University of Reading in the UK. Bob Swart (aka. Dr. Bob) has been programming for over 17 years and has extensive experience in C++Builder. He is a very prominent developer in the C++Builder community and is the Webmaster of Dr. Bob's Programming Clinic (www.drbob42.com). Jamie Allsop has programmed in a variety of languages but C++ is his language of choice. He has used C++Builder since it was first released. He runs his own software company "Shiying" with his wife and has developed components for Communication and real-time DSP applications.