Kerrie Meyler is an independent consultant and trainer with 15+ years of IT experience, including work as a Senior Technical Specialist at Microsoft. Cameron Fuller is a Principal Consultant for Catapult Systems, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. He focuses on management solutions and has 15+ years of infrastructure experience. John Joyner is Senior Architect at ClearPointe, a leading provider of remote server management and hosted Network Operations Center services based on OpsMgr. He was Track External Advisor for TechEd 2009’s Virtualization track. Andy Dominey is Principal Operations Manager Consultant at 1E, a Microsoft Partner specializing in Windows management. He has made substantial contributions to high availability in OpsMgr 2007. The authors are experienced Operations Manager administrators, have been recognized as OpsMgr MVPs, authored System Center Operations Manager 2007 Unleashed, and present at TechEd and MMS.