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Thomas Heute

Michael Yuan is a product manager and technical evangelist at Red Hat Inc. working on Seam, JBoss Application Server, and other middleware products. He contributes code to the Seam project and writes about Seam in his blog (http://www.michaelyuan.com/blog/). Before joining JBoss, Michael was a software consultant for mobile end-to-end applications. He published three books on mobile technologies, including Enterprise J2ME and Nokia Smartphone Hacks.


After being a contributor to the pre-JBoss Portal project, Thomas Heute was hired by JBoss Inc. in 2004. He started as a software developer in the JBoss Portal team, and then became the colead of the JBoss Seam project in 2005, with the vision to bring EJB3 closer to JSF. At the end of 2006 Thomas came back to pursue his duty among the JBoss Portal team to work on various tasks.