Merrill Warkentin, Volume Editor
Merrill Warkentin is Professor of MIS and the Drew Allen Endowed Fellow in the College of Business at Mississippi State University, where he is also a member of the research staff of the Center for Computer Security Research (CCSR) and the Distributed Analytics and Security Institute (DASI). He has published over 250 manuscripts, including 60 peer-reviewed journal articles, plus 10 research volumes or books. His work has been cited almost 9,000 times and his H-index is 25, according to Google Scholar in 2015. He has been ranked among the top 100 IS scholars in the world based on rankings of authors publishing in the AIS Senior Scholar’s basket of leading MIS journals. His research, on the impacts of organizational, contextual, situational, and dispositional factors on individual user behaviors in the context of information security and privacy, addresses security policy compliance and violation and social media use, and has appeared in such journals as MIS Quarterly, Decision Sciences, Journal of the AIS, European Journal of Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, Information Systems Journal, Communications of the ACM, Communications of the AIS, The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, Computers & Security, Information Resources Management Journal, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, Journal of Global Information Management, and others.
Dr. Warkentin is currently an Associate Editor (AE) of MIS Quarterly, Information & Management, Information Resources Management Journal, and the Journal of Information Systems Security, and has previously served as an AE of Decision Sciences, Information Systems Research, European Journal of Information Systems, and other journals. He is the Eminent Area Editor for MIS for Decision Sciences and Senior Editor of AIS Transactions on Replication Research. He is Program Co-Chair for AMCIS2016 and has held leadership positions for numerous international IS conferences, including Track Chair for Security and Privacy at AMCIS2015 (Puerto Rico), ICIS2013 (Milan), ECIS2012 (Barcelona), and DSI2008; Program Chair for WISE2007 and WISP2009; Program Chair for the 2009 IFIP Workshop on IS Security Research; AE at ICIS four times (Security Track); Track Chair at DSI three times (Security Track in 2008); and Program Committee member of over twenty international conferences (IFIP, WISP, WEB, WITS, ICEIS, etc.). Dr. Warkentin is the Chair of the UN-sponsored IFIP Working Group on Information Systems Security Research (WG8.11/11.13) and the AIS Security Coordinator. He has guest-edited several journal special issues, including two issues of EJIS. He has served as Special SE for manuscripts at MISQ. He also currently serves on several additional journal editorial boards.
Dr. Warkentin has served as a consultant to numerous companies and organizations, and has been a featured speaker at almost two hundred industry association meetings, executive development seminars, and academic conferences. He has been a Lecturer at the Army Logistics Management College and was named a “National Distinguished Lecturer” by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). He has been a visiting professor or an invited speaker at over 25 universities around the world, including Georgia State, Indiana, LSU, Florida State, Clemson, USF, Copenhagen Business School, McMaster, Fudan, Oulu, Jyväskylä, Zhejiang, Cape Town, and others. He has earned various recognitions for his teaching at every level from introductory courses to doctoral research seminars–his primary focus has been teaching Systems Analysis classes and Research Design seminars. His research has been funded by the UN, NSF, IBM, NSA, DoD, US Navy, Homeland Security, and others. He was previously on the faculty at George Mason University and held the Reisman Research Professorship at Northeastern University in Boston, where he was also the Director of MIS and eCommerce programs at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Professor Warkentin’s Ph.D. in MIS is from the University of Nebraska—Lincoln. He can be reached at
The Decision Sciences Institute, Sponsor
The Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) is an independent nonprofit educational multidisciplinary professional organization of academicians and practitioners interested in the application of quantitative and behavioral approaches to all managerial decision-making in business, government, and society.
Through national, international, and regional conferences; competitions; and publications, DSI provides an international forum for presenting and sharing research in the study of decision processes across disciplines. DSI also plays a vital role in the academic community by offering professional development activities and job placement services.
Five regional subdivisions in the United States, as well as regions representing Europe, Mexico, Asia-Pacific, and the Indian subcontinent, operate independently within DSI. Each region has its own elected officers and holds annual meetings.
DSI’s members specialize in functional areas such as information systems, finance, marketing, management, accounting, manufacturing/service management, supply chain management, and decision support processes, as well as institutional areas such as healthcare, public administration, resource management, and higher education. They use leading rigorous research techniques, including experimental designs, empirical quantitative analysis, optimization, simulation, surveys, and other scientific methods, while also valuing innovative methodological horizons.
DSI’s goals are to: