Hayley Camille is a dedicated writer, working from Australia. Her previous nonfiction work includes The Ultimate Player’s Guide to Skylanders: Trap Team as well as various Minecraft projects.
Hayley has a strong interest in computers and gaming. She has collaborated on numerous software projects, including touch-screen and interactive games. With two young sons that are highly tech-savvy and mad about the Skylanders and Minecraft games, she is in a unique position to not only know the games well, but also to write from the different perspectives of what’s important to a child gamer as the target audience, a parent-facilitator, as well as a strategy-focused teen forum player.
Hayley has several published works and is currently completing a screenplay adaptation of her award-nominated superhero novella Avon Calling! She holds a post-grad university degree in molecular archaeology—the study of ancient residues (blood/DNA/plant) on prehistoric artifacts—which forms the underlying scientific theory behind her recently published adult fiction novel Human.
Hayley can be found haunting her blog at hayleycamille.com.