Eric Clayberg is Senior VP for Product Development for Instantiations, Inc., an Advanced IBM Business Partner that serves on the Eclipse Foundation and contributes extensively to the Eclipse initiative. He has more than seventeen years of commercial software development experience, including twelve years with Java and nine with Eclipse. He is primary architect and product manager for many award-winning Java and Smalltalk products, including WindowBuilder Pro, CodePro, and VA Assist. He has a B.S. from MIT, an MBA from Harvard, and has cofounded two successful software companies—ObjectShare and Instantiations.
Dan Rubel, CTO for Instantiations, Inc., is an entrepreneur and an expert in the design and application of object-oriented technologies with more than fifteen years of commercial software development experience, including thirteen years of experience with Java and nine years with Eclipse. He is the primary architect and product manager for several successful products, including RCP Developer, WindowTester, jFactor, and jKit. He has a B.S. from Bucknell and is a cofounder of Instantiations.