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Windows Programming

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Why WPF, and What About Silverlight?
Jul 8, 2010
Adam Nathan explains how WPF 4 and Windows 7 are bringing multi-touch to the masses.
Windows 2000 Performance Tools: Leverage Native Tools for Performance Monitoring and Tuning
Jan 15, 2001
Looking for information on the latest Microsoft operating system? This article by Windows NT/2000 tuning and sizing expert Curt Aubley covers enhancements to the core performance tools, counters, and troubleshooting techniques.
Windows Communication Foundation 3.5: Prerequisites
Apr 7, 2009
This chapter introduces some programming tools that were new in .NET 2.0 and that are prerequisites for understanding and working effectively with the Windows Communication Foundation.
Windows NT Performance Tuning for Web Server-Based Applications
Jan 15, 2001
This article by Windows NT/2000 tuning and sizing expert Curt Aubley provides insight into how to tune and optimize your IIS-based Web server. The concepts, however, are applicable to any Web server environment.
Windows Parallelism, Fast File Searching, and Speculative Processing
Jun 30, 2010
Johnson (John) M. Hart, author of Windows System Programming, shows how to speed up simple file comparison by a factor of 10 or more, using parallelism with speculative processing, combined with memory-mapped files. These techniques work just as well in Linux/UNIX, and they can be extended to parallelize and speed up other file and data stream computations.
Windows Phone 7 for iPhone Developers: Object-Oriented Programming
Aug 18, 2011
This chapter covers some of the core concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) and how they apply to both iPhone and Windows Phone 7 programming.
Windows Processes and Threads: Weaving It All Together
Feb 18, 2005
A process contains its own independent virtual address space with both code and data, protected from other processes. Each process, in turn, contains one or more independently executing threads. A thread running within a process can create new threads, create new independent processes, and manage communication and synchronization between the objects. Whew! This chapter explains the basics of process management and also introduces basic synchronization operations. If you're at all interested in Windows system programming, this is the place to start.
Windows SharePoint Services and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server: Programming with Features and Solutions
Jun 15, 2007
Windows Shell Extensions in .NET
Jan 23, 2004
Wouldn't it be great if you could add your favorite tools right into the Windows Shell? And wouldn't it be great if you could do it from .NET? The good news is that you can. Shawn Wildermuth shows you how.
Windows System Programming: Process Management
Feb 25, 2010
This chapter explains the basics of process management and also introduces the basic synchronization operations and wait functions that will be important throughout the rest of the book.
Windows XP Tools and Other Junk
Aug 6, 2001
John Mueller discusses the junk drawer mentality, a Favorites folder filled with interesting places on the Internet.
Working with .NET DataSets
Dec 13, 2002
Dan Fox examines the basic workings of the DataSet and how it can be created, populated, traversed, searched, and viewed.
Working with .NET ObjectSpaces
Feb 1, 2002
Microsoft has revealed preliminary plans to introduce an object-mapping layer dubbed the ObjectSpaces framework. In this article, Dan Fox walks through an example of using ObjectSpaces to map a Customer table in SQL Server 2000 using VB ...
Working with .NET Windows Forms
Mar 7, 2003
Chris Payne focuses on all aspects of the System.Windows.Forms.Form object, and shows you the multitude of ways that you can customize your applications.
Working With ADO.NET Transactions
Oct 25, 2002
Database transactions are a set of commands that either all fail or all succeed, as a group. ADO.NET provides a set of objects used to create and work with transactions, which will be discussed in this lesson.
Working with Bitmapped Graphics in the .NET Framework
Jul 16, 2004
Many developers view graphics programming as something best left to other developers, but the .NET Framework contains a vast array of tools to make graphics easier.
Working with Nested List Controls in ASP.NET
Jun 25, 2004
This chapter looks at displaying hierarchical data from related tables or row sets. This is common in many applications, and this chapter investigates four alternative approaches. It also looks at the specific issue of providing a master/detail display where the user can choose to show or hide the related rows.
Working with New Abstract Data Types in Visual Basic .NET
Mar 8, 2002
This straightforward, comprehensive coverage of the Visual Basic .NET collection types includes summary tables listing methods of each type and advice about when to choose one type over another.
Working with the PowerShell Desired State Configuration, Part 1: Theory and Initial Setup
Aug 24, 2015
Timothy Warner, author of Sams Teach Yourself Windows PowerShell 5 in 24 Hours, shares the advantages of the PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) for keeping your network configuration from being changed inadvertently (or intentionally).
Working with the PowerShell Desired State Configuration, Part 2: Implementation and Troubleshooting
Sep 17, 2015
Concluding his two-part series on using the PowerShell DSC, Timothy Warner, author of Sams Teach Yourself Windows PowerShell 5 in 24 Hours, shows how to work with Managed Object Format (MOF) files in your PowerShell scripts. Configure remote systems, use commands to perform necessary tasks, and find/fix problems without having to set foot outside your office.

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