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Windows Programming

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What Makes a Good Programming Language?
Oct 20, 2006
There are plenty of programming languages around. David Chisnall points out the various factors that determine what makes a "good" language. But note his caveat: These principles don't always apply in any given set of circumstances!
What Microsoft's .NET Initiative Means to the ASP Industry
May 25, 2001
Initially seen as a strategic vision for Microsoft as it reinvents itself to a more Internet-centric value message, the .NET initiative is starting to get traction by simplifying and focusing the message it contains.
What Programmers Have to Know About Testing
Jan 11, 2010
Janet Gregory offers some good advice to developers: Even when you know that a dedicated test team will be testing your software, there are some things that your programming team shouldn't leave for the testers to find.
What Programming Languages Should You Know?
Mar 9, 2007
David Chisnall posits that the more programming languages you know, the better. The point is not to stuff your head with language rules. Rather, he explains how being able to read multiple languages, even if you never code in them, can help you to select the best possible tool for each coding need — and understand the limitations of the tools you're using.
What to Look for When Selecting a Scalable RAID Array
Jan 15, 2001
This article by Windows NT/2000 tuning and sizing expert Curt Aubley explores key items that you should consider when selecting RAID array subsystems for your servers.
What WPF Is and Isn't
Jun 24, 2008
Learn when you should use WPF, what tools you will need, and how WPF compares to other frameworks.
What's New in SQL Server 2000
Aug 6, 2001
Expert Alison Balter highlights SQL Server 2000’s notable new features.
What's So Great About Windows XP?
Aug 6, 2001
Learn a few of the reasons why expert John Mueller regards Windows XP as a vast improvement over its predecessors.
What's .NET Remoting, And Why Should You Care?
Dec 12, 2003
.NET Remoting is among the most advanced .NET subjects. In addition to replacing DCOM and being relevant to distributed application development, remoting involves threading, Singletons, security, networking, Reflection, AppDomains, the differences between marshaling by reference and by value, SOAP, XML, serialization, interfaces, and more. Paul Kimmel makes it all seem easy.
What's New in Component Services in Windows .NET Server
Dec 6, 2001
If you develop distributed applications, read this article by Dan Fox to find out what's new in Component Services in Windows .NET Server.
What's New in IIS 6.0 in Windows .NET Server
Dec 21, 2001
If you are a Web developer or administrator, this article tells you how you can take advantage of the new features of Internet Information Server 6.0 in Windows .NET Server.
What's New in Visual Studio .NET
Aug 22, 2003
Tech journalist Jacqueline Emigh pinpoints the key enhancements in Microsoft's new Visual Studio .NET 2003 development environment.
Who Cares About UDDI?
Apr 12, 2002
What is UDDI actually good for? And will it be as successful in distributed computing as SOAP and WSDL? David Chappell discusses the issues.
Why .NET? Addressing the Developer Challenges
Jul 5, 2002
The .NET Platform fixes the software conflicts due to the nature of Windows and DLLs, and it liberates developers to use whatever language they deem best. Use it to address security issues and produce web services solutions with Visual Studio .NET.
Why C# Is Not Java
Sep 2, 2001
C# and Java aren't the same thing-or even all that similar. Joe Mayo peeks under the hood to show why C# is its own language.
Why Did My Azure Application Crash? Using the Windows Azure Diagnostics API to Find Code Problems
Sep 8, 2011
Michael Stiefel shows a variety of ways to use the Windows Azure Diagnostics API, particularly the new Diagnostic Monitor, to find and fix problems in your Azure code.
Why Front-End Developers Should Build Apps for Windows 8
Jan 29, 2013
Every front-end developer should consider building apps for Windows 8. In this article, web developer Brandon Satrom (author of Building Windows 8 Apps with JavaScript), gives three reasons why building apps for Windows 8 is a no-brainer for developers, regardless of background.
Why Hugh Grant Picked SOAP Over XML-RPC: An Interview with Cape Clear's CTO (Part 2 of 2)
Nov 8, 2002
Alex Nghiem concludes his interview with Hugh Grant, CTO of Cape Clear, with a discussion of why SOAP proved to be more ubiquitous than XML-RPC. (Part 2 of 2)
Why IT Matters More Than Ever
Jan 21, 2010
Aaron Erickson argues that Nick Carr had it wrong: IT not only matters in the modern organization, but matters to a huge degree.
Why Should You Move to Visual Basic.NET?
May 18, 2001
Visual Basic.NET offers plenty of benefits, including automatic access to garbage collection, debugging, security services, inheritance, and more. Here, Craig Utley previews the features of VB.NET and shows how the .NET model can expand your current ...

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