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Windows Programming

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VB.NET's Object Oriented Features
Mar 1, 2002
In this sample chapter from Building Distributed Applications with Visual Basic.NET, Dan Fox discusses the features of VB.NET that allow it to be a fully OO language.
Versioning REST Services
Mar 5, 2010
Scott Seely explains when developers need to create a new endpoint versus just adding data. This higher level, non-language specific article explains how to version REST services and when each choice makes sense.
Video: WPF 4.5 Programming Content Control Basics
Feb 12, 2015
Jason Rainwater, author of WPF 4.5 Programming LiveLessons (Video Training), discusses content control in WPF 4.5.
Viewing Data with ADO.NET
Feb 28, 2003
Using the DataReader and the DataTable objects, discover how to retrieve data from SQL Server and locate and filter records.
Virtual Lock Picking of Windows Mobile Password Managers
Nov 2, 2007
Seth Fogie illustrates just how easy it can be for an attacker to "pick open" the security measures used to protect your sensitive data.
Visual Basic .NET Database Tools
Jun 13, 2003
Begin creating projects, compile them, and run them with a new comfort level using Visual Studio's Integrated Development Environment. This book excerpt will also teach you about the IDE tools that can help you master database programming.
Visual Basic 2005: Maximizing the VB Experience with New and Old Features
Oct 28, 2005
John Traenkenschuh loved Visual Basic 6, but he has a new amour: VB 2005. It's not just a better-looking interface; Microsoft has apparently listened to users and built a new version that incorporates the best of the old. See if you agree.
Visual Basic to Visual Basic .NET Migration Approach
Jun 27, 2003
Work through the phases of migrating from Visual Basic 6.0 applications to Visual Basic .NET. You will see what features the upgrade wizard does not upgrade from 6.0, and that will set you on your way to a complete upgrade.
Visual C++.NET Control Class Libraries
Oct 25, 2002
While many custom controls ship with Visual Studio .NET, there will always be a time when a control just doesn't have the features you need. Learn how to create your own custom .NET controls through its use of Control Class Libraries.
Visual Studio .NET and C#
Oct 18, 2002
Two of the first professors to teach C# explain how to use the Visual Studio .NET environment to build a simple console and Windows application. They also provide a quick overview of the C# language.
Visual Studio .NET Debugging Environment
Feb 22, 2002
In this sample chapter from Visual Studio .NET Debugging Environment, Brian Peek examines all the features available for debugging in the Visual Studio .NET IDE, how to use them, and where each one is applicable for the problem you might be trying to conquer.
Visual Studio 2005 Gets Its Own Toolkit for InfoPath Forms
Jul 29, 2005
Visual Studio 2005 includes a toolkit for building XML-based InfoPath form templates. Learn what it's all about, and what it might help you achieve.
Visual Studio.NET Database Projects
May 23, 2003
Database projects are special types of Visual Studio.NET projects which help you create and manage SQL database scripts. The Visual Database tools allow you to view, design, modify, and test database objects without needing to use a different toolset. This chapter shows how to use Visual Database tools in a VS.NET database project.
Watching Mac OS X File Events from Windows: A Guide for .NET and Java Developers
Jun 17, 2005
With "only a little Java code and a third-party product," Bob Reselman was able to make Windows pay attention to the goings-on of a Macintosh server. Here's how he did it.
Web Developers Need To Prepare for .NET
Aug 6, 2001
Craig Utley prepares Web developers for Microsoft's ASP.NET technology.
Web Farms: Availability and Scalability
Jul 5, 2002
Scalability and availability go hand in hand in Web farms that use .NET enterprise servers. By understanding these technologies, you have a roadmap for making the tough choices at each tier. Explore these choices and their challenges.
Web Services FAQ
Oct 5, 2001
Wondering about XML Web Services? In this article, Dan Fox addresses the top three concerns that arise when dealing with this technology.
What Are XML Web Services and How Do They Fit into the .NET Framework?
Sep 6, 2002
This chapter explores the basic concepts of XML Web Services and how developers should proceed in leveraging this technology.
What Can Microsoft .NET Accomplish For You?
Aug 30, 2002
Explore the power, the vision, and the capabilities of this new initiative through this in-depth look at the .NET platform.
What Is Clean Code?
Aug 19, 2008
Robert C. Martin introduces his book, Clean Code, and polls experienced programmers -- including Bjarne Stroustrup, Grady Booch, Dave Thomas, and Ward Cunningham -- on what their definition of "Clean Code" is.

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