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Windows Programming

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The Common Language Runtime: Overview of the Runtime Environment
Apr 12, 2002
Kevin Burton provides a brief overview of the framework under which managed code runs in this sample chapter from .NET Common Language Runtime Unleashed. Learn the rules for loading an assembly and starting execution of a method.
The Cost of Free Software
Dec 9, 2005
Free software advocates focus on the ability to share, develop, and improve software as a community effort. But how do these freedoms affect the business community? David Chisnall takes a look.
The Cost of GUIDs as Primary Keys
Mar 8, 2002
Jimmy Nilsson uncovers the pros and cons of using globally unique identifiers for primary keys in SQL Server 2000. You'll be introduced to a special type of GUID that Jimmy invented, called COMBs, that solves a big throughput problem.
The Design of Design: Exemplars in Design
By Frederick P. Brooks
Apr 19, 2010
Few designs are all-new. Usually, even novel designs derive from earlier artifacts intended for similar purposes and built with similar technology. What then is the proper role of exemplars, precedents, in design? How should the designer study and use them? Should each design domain develop an accessible cumulative store of exemplars? Frederick P. Brooks considers these questions in this excerpt from his book, The Design of Design.
The Essence of LINQ
Mar 30, 2009
This chapter covers the seven foundations on which an understanding of LINQ can be built.
The Essentials for Using COM in Managed Code
Jun 14, 2002
Learn everything you need to know in order to use many COM components in your .NET applications.
The Evolution of SQL Server
Feb 15, 2001
Learn the history of SQL Server as well as what's new in Version 2000.
The Message Loop Is Your Friend
Oct 1, 2004
Rick Ruhl explains how to use registered messages in Windows, with less overhead.
The SOAP Method of Network Troubleshooting: Structured Analysis
Nov 22, 2002
Learn how a technique from the medical profession called SOAP, which stands for Subjective, Objective, Analysis, and Plan, is extremely helpful in networking.
The Software Development Edge: Getting It Out the Door
May 20, 2005
We all have that perfect product that we just know we could produce if only we were given forever to build it. Unfortunately, in the real world, there are pesky things called deadlines that interfere with our dreams. This chapter will help you balance that perfect dream with the reality of getting your product out the door and producing revenue.
The Visual Studio IDE
Aug 10, 2010
Mike Snell and Lars Powers cover the basics of Visual Studio installation; configuration; booting up the IDE; and getting to know the layout of the tool in terms of projects, menus, tools, editors, and designers.
The Web Services Shootout: .NET or Java?
Oct 3, 2003
Without being distracted by the "Java versus .NET" din, developers who haven't yet committed to Web services can attack the problem intelligently by comparing apples to apples.
Thinking About Visual Basic.NET Programs
Jul 11, 2003
Learn how to summarize virtually any programming problem with five simple steps and how these five steps can be used as a starting point for designing your own programs.
Three Big VB.NET Changes
Aug 6, 2001
Craig Utley presents the basic VB.NET changes that will affect day-to-day programming for VB developers.
Through the Looking Glass: Debugging Hosted .NET Applications
May 13, 2004
When Oxford mathematician Charles Dodgson looked in the mirror, perhaps he saw Lewis Carroll. Carroll's genius was his ability to peer through the looking glass into the magical land called Wonderland. After a brief prelude, which spartanly demonstrates how to create a COM+ serviced component, Paul Kimmel shows you how to peer through the looking glass and debug .NET code that's hosted by another application.
Tipping the Scales Toward Secure Code
Oct 1, 2004
Everybody can use more secure codeโ€”and sometimes the best way to hone your skills is by listening to other programmers. Here are 18 tips offered by your fellow developers.
Tools for Understanding and Working Effectively With the Windows Communication Foundation
Apr 27, 2007
You should be familiar with certain facilities of the 2.0 versions of the .NET Framework and the .NET common language runtime (partial types, generics, nullable value types, the Lightweight Transaction Manager, and Role Providers) to properly understand and work effectively with the Windows Communication Foundation. This sample chapter introduces those facilities.
Top Ten Features Windows 8 Developers Will Love
Apr 2, 2012
Windows 8 Metro is a new platform for developing applications that are tailored to the devices on which they run. These devices may include traditional desktops and laptops as well as the new tablet and slate form factors. In this article, Jeremy Likness, author of the upcoming book Building Windows 8 Metro Applications with XAML and C#, covers the top ten features developers will love about the new development environment.
Top Ten Organizational Impediments to Large-Scale Agile Adoption
Aug 13, 2009
Craig Larman and Bas Vodde asked agile development experts working in and with large companies about the most challenging organizational impediments. Find out what they said.
Transforming XML with XSLT and ASP.NET
Feb 22, 2002
In this sample chapter from Transforming XML with XSLT and ASP.NET, Dan Wahlin discusses XSLT. Learn about the transformation process, the XSLT language, XSLT functions, and more.

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