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Windows Programming

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Structured Exception Handling in Visual Studio .NET
Oct 8, 2004
You have to handle exceptions in your programs, or the application will crash. (Users take exception to that.) Learn how to use Visual Studio's tools to throw and catch, elegantly and easily.
Ten Practices for Applying Agile/Lean Software Management Principles to Other Knowledge Work
Aug 11, 2009
Dean Leffingwell suggests that other types of knowledge work can apply useful principles learned from Agile, Lean, Scrum, and XP software development.
Ten Years of Framework Design Guidelines: Video Podcast Transcript
Feb 9, 2009
In this transcription of one of our OnMicrosoft podcasts, Brad Abrams and Krzysztof Cwalina discuss industry changes that have affected (or been affected by) the Microsoft .NET Framework over the last decade.
Testing .NET Applications Using IronRuby
May 4, 2010
IronRuby unleashes the power of Ruby to the .NET world. One of the most interesting opportunities is that now you can use Ruby's testing frameworks to test .NET code. In this article, Shay Friedman shows you how to take advantage of popular testing frameworks to test your .NET code with ease.
Text File Access in the .NET Framework
Jun 2, 2006
Many apps need the ability to read from or write to text files. Peter Aitken explores .NET Framework tools that let you include this capability in your applications.
Text File Operations in .NET
Dec 14, 2007
Discovered some of the cooler features of Visual Basic .NET that are useful for working with text files.
The .NET Compact Framework
Sep 12, 2003
Learn about the .NET classes in the Compact Framework that are of particular interest to Pocket PC application developers and the intriguing concept of consuming Web Services.
The .NET Compact Framework
May 9, 2003
Dan Fox provides an overview of .NET Compact Framework and Smart Device Projects (SDP), two important facets of Microsoft's support for building applications on smart devices.
The .NET Developer's Guide to Directory Services User Account Management
Jul 21, 2006
The .NET Framework Class Library: Types and Structures
Jan 23, 2004
The .NET Framework class library is a set of namespaces, classes, interfaces, and value types, which you'll use in .NET applications, components, and controls. In this chapter from A Programmer's Guide to .NET, you'll learn about several of basic classes included in the .NET Framework class library, and get an introduction to collections.
The .NET Framework Standard Library: the System Namespace
Jul 2, 2004
Brad Abrams describes the System namespace, which is the root of all namespaces in the .NET Framework, containing all other namespaces as subordinates. It also contains the types that are the most fundamental and frequently used.
The .NET Languages
Dec 6, 2012
This chapter focuses on the foundations of .NET programming. It starts with a language primer on the basics; it then covers some more in-depth programming features and language-related IDE enhancements. The chapter concludes with an overview and map of the .NET Framework class library.
The .NET System Namespace
Jan 16, 2004
The System namespace holds classes for simple common tasks, and a large number of sub-namespaces for slightly less common (but still important) tasks, including string manipulation, IO, and threading. Learn how .NET handles namespaces -- and how they can make your life easier.
The .NET Web Service World
Dec 21, 2001
What is .NET, exactly? It's a big package, but this article skims the surface and, in particular, shows you a few examples of using .NET to build and consume Web services.
The Accidental Architecture
Jun 2, 2006
Every interesting software-intensive system has an architecture. While some of these architectures are intentional, most appear to be accidental. Grady Booch explains.
The Anatomy of a Visual Basic Project
Jun 23, 2010
Although you can create lots of kinds of projects both for Windows and the Web with Visual Basic 2010, there is a common set of files for each project. In this chapter you learn which files give the structure to each project and how the files influence the building of an application. You also get an overview of references, namespaces, classes, modules, and Visual Basic keywords.
The Application Execution Model in Windows Phone 7.5
Apr 12, 2012
This chapter provides an overview of the application execution model in Windows Phone 7.5 and examines the various application life cycle events, which are used to coordinate state persistence and restoration. It also delves into the sample application and discusses image caching, design-time data, and consuming a simple WCF service.
The Bad Code Spotter's Guide
Apr 14, 2006
Old maps were marked with the phrase "Here be Dragons" to help seafarers steer away from dangerous places; in programming the best way to avoid dealing with bad code is to avoid writing it. Diomidis Spinellis points out 10 giveaways to spot bad code that you (or others) may have written.
The C# Programming Language: Types
Nov 10, 2010
The authors of The C# Programming Language discuss value types, reference types, and pointers.
The COM+ Event System
Oct 30, 2000
The COM+ event system introduces Visual Basic programmers to the concept of a loosely coupled event (LCE) system in which event consumers -- known as subscribers -- don't have to declare a variable against the event provider -- known as a publisher ...

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