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Windows Programming

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Middle-Tier Patterns in .NET
Dec 31, 2003
A middle tier design pattern can be any logical combination of pattern, structure, or logic. The only really identifying characteristic is the fact that they typically help implement components that provide no graphical or console interface characteristics, house business rules, and do not directly interact with persistent storage. Learn how these patterns can be useful in implementing the business rules of your .NET application.
Migrating to the Microsoft .NET Framework
Feb 14, 2003
Examine the key aspects of .NET and the steps that need to be considered while planning for migration of existing applications to .NET.
Mobile Device Development
Dec 21, 2001
Scott Worley, author of Inside ASP.NET, shows you how to use the Mobile Device Development Toolkit with ASP.NET to create a relatively simple data-driven application.
More NUnit and Nant Tricks, Tips and Examples
Dec 27, 2002
Nant (the .NET version of the Ant build tool) handles a wide range of build, deployment, and test tasks. Stewart Baird digs a little deeper into the .NET development tools Nant and NUnit, with tips and examples to help you with your next project.
Multimedia Programming with DirectX for .NET Programmers
Nov 26, 2003
Managed DirectX was released with the latest version of the core DirectX libraries in DirectX9. It enables developers using the new .NET languages (i.e. C#, VB.NET, etc.) to develop rich multimedia applications with DirectX. In this sample chapter, you'll learn how to use vertex buffer to share transformed geometry in your scene.
Multithreading with the .NET Framework
Jun 11, 2004
Every programmer needs to know how and when to use multitasking. Peter Aitken shows you how easy it is to accomplish in .NET.
New Features and Tools in ASP.NET 2.0
Dec 3, 2004
This chapter covers the new features and tools available in ASP .NET 2.0, including new development tools, compilation and deployment tools, and the other new features that make it worth your time to make the switch to the new version.
Object-Oriented Concepts in .NET
Jun 7, 2002
Focus on defining the concepts of object orientation as they relate to software development in general.
Oh, So That's How C++ Variables and Constants Work!
Aug 20, 2004
Variables are the building blocks of C coding, and in this chapter by Jesse Liberty and David Horvath, you'll learn how to manipulate, define, and display variables in C++.
On Architecture: Goodness of Fit
May 11, 2007
Does an "ideal" software architecture exist?
On Architecture: It Is What It Is Because It Was What It Was
May 25, 2007
For a given domain, there are only a small number of suitable architectural patterns.
Open Source .NET Development: ASpell.NET Case Study
Jan 7, 2005
This chapter is a simple but realistic case study of using Open Source tools in everyday development. In particular, this chapter uses ASpell, a commercial-caliber spell checking component that supports twenty-some different language dictionaries, as an example.
Open Source Versus Commercial Software: Why Proprietary Software is Here to Stay
Oct 14, 2005
Although open source software comes with lofty ambitions, some developers worry that the model just doesn't present a practical plan for the future of the software industry. Shawn Shell argues that proprietary software is here to stay — for a lot of good reasons.
Optimizing Windows NT Server and Microsoft Exchange: 28 Percent + More Speed Out of a Busy Exchange Server
Jan 15, 2001
This short article by Windows NT/2000 tuning and sizing expert Curt Aubley outlines Microsoft Exchange performance results achieved from various tuning efforts.
Overview of .NET Framework Classes
Oct 4, 2002
Overwhelmed by the numerous classes found in .NET? Acquaint yourself with the most commonly used classes by looking at key concepts and patterns found throughout the .NET framework.
Overview of the ASP.NET Framework
Oct 12, 2010
Get to know the ASP.NET 4 Framework, including how to build a simple ASP.NET page, how to work with ASP.NET controls and pages, and how to install ASP.NET.
Overview of the ASP.NET Framework
Feb 1, 2008
Learn how the framework works, and build a simple web page.
Package Management in Windows PowerShell v5: Install and Manage Software from the Command Line
Jul 16, 2015
Package management in Linux is great: Scroll through a repository, grab the specialized modules you like, and slide those packages seamlessly into the OS. Shouldn't Windows do that, too? Yep, and soon it will. Timothy Warner, author of Sams Teach Yourself Windows PowerShell 5 in 24 Hours, previews package management with the upcoming Windows PowerShell v5 release.
Parsing XML with Visual C++
Sep 5, 2003
Web services all rely on XML to transmit data, and although some developers think that XML parsing is difficult, .NET makes it quite easy. John Mueller dispels some of the urban legends surrounding XML files.
Performing Form Validation with Validation Controls
Sep 12, 2003
You can use the Validation controls in ASP.NET to perform very different types of form validation tasks. This sample chapter will show you how.

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