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Living the "Least Privilege" Lifestyle, Part 3: Surviving as a Mere User
Oct 14, 2005
In the first two parts of this series, Don Kiely scared us good with how dangerous it is to run as an admin, and pointed out what a pain it is to run as a mere user. But he has some tricks and tools up his sleeve to make the "least privilege" lifestyle a little more bearable, which he covers in this installment.
Living the "Least Privilege" Lifestyle, Part 4: Is Developing Secure Software as an Administrator an Impossible Dream?
Oct 21, 2005
Now that Don Kiely has convinced us of the need to run as mere users whenever possible, he focuses on how software developers can (and should) live the least privilege lifestyle to ensure that applications they write are secure.
Living the "Least Privilege" Lifestyle, Part 5: Surviving as a Mere Developer
Oct 28, 2005
Don Kiely wraps up this useful series with a look at how developers can improve security by relinquishing extra privileges they don't really need.
Living the "Least Privilege" Lifestyle: Don't Run Every Day Logged In as an Administrator
Aug 26, 2005
Don Kiely contends that exercising administrative rights over our computers is a major cause of insecure systems. In the first of five articles, he explains the concept of "least privilege" and shows why software developers should be happy to operate as "mere users."
Living the Least Privilege Lifestyle, Part 2: Why Running as a Non-Admin is Safer
Sep 16, 2005
Most of us want more power, never less. But Don Kiely explains how deliberately limiting your power over your system can help you to prevent someone else from getting power over it. Running as a "mere user" is sometimes inconvenient, but the aggravations are outweighed by the control you gain.
Loading Images into SQL Server with C#
Jul 8, 2005
As your web site grows and images multiply, storing those images on the hosting server's hard drive can turn a zippy hare of a site into a pokey tortoise. (Yes, they get there eventually, but users are impatiently waiting for a "photo finish"!) Jesse Smith provides a set of simple C# scripts that you can use to pop your images into your SQL Server database, for faster image retrieval and better load balancing on your site.
Loading Progress and Status Displays in ASP.NET 1.1
Jul 16, 2004
This chapter shows you two ways to present users with status information while a complex or lengthy process is taking place: displaying a simple "please wait" message or animated GIF image, and implementing the server-side process as a series of staged individual operations.
Mack & Seven's ASP.NET Tips
Aug 6, 2001
Experts Donny Mack and Doug Seven share some useful tips about ASP ...
Mack & Seven's ASP.NET Tricks
Aug 6, 2001
Learn some tricks about ASP.NET from experts Doug Seven and Donny Mack.
Major VB.NET Changes
May 18, 2001
With VB.NET comes a set of major changes to the VB language. Here, Craig Utley uncovers these changes and points out both the new features and the features that have received major modifications.
Making Silverlight Apps for Google App Engine
Jul 2, 2009
.NET developers who know Silverlight might imagine that they can't take advantage of Google App Engine, which uses Python. But integrating the two environments is a lot easier than you think.
Managing a Doomed Software Project: Practical Suggestions for Breaking the Bad News
Jan 13, 2006
When that high-profile project just ain't gonna happen, how can you ensure that your head isn't on the chopping block? Matt Heusser provides some practical suggestions for passing on the bad news without just passing the blame.
Managing Database Transactions with the TransactionScope
Sep 7, 2007
Paul Kimmel explains TransactionScope, a lighter, faster way to enlist modifications to data in a transaction.
Managing Session State for ASP.NET
Nov 15, 2002
Software developer Paul Kimmel takes a quick look at how to get data into the ASP.NET Session cache, as well as how and why to configure different kinds of session state servers.
Mastering the Three Core Windows PowerShell Cmdlets
Mar 25, 2015
Timothy Warner, author of Sams Teach Yourself Windows PowerShell 5 in 24 Hours, shows how to use the 'Holy Trinity' of PowerShell cmdlets (Get-Command, Get-Help, and Get-Member) to find, learn, and apply useful PowerShell commands for your work.
Mastering XAML
Jan 3, 2013
Learn how XAML fits in with the rest of an app’s code and, most importantly, get the information needed to translate most XAML examples into a language such as C# and vice versa.
Methodology Design: The Way We Do Things Around Here
Dec 30, 2005
When people talk about "improving" software methodology, they rarely talk about tradeoffs. Requirements freeze, for example, runs the risk of delivering exactly what the customer asked for - and not what he needs. Concrete, detailed estimates take a considerable amount of time to create, and that's time that could be spent writing code or executing tests. Matthew Heusser discusses the tradeoffs and choices you'll have to make when the goal is improving (or even initially developing) your methodology.
Microsoft Jscript.NET Programming: Datatypes, Arrays, and Strings
Jun 21, 2002
See through the eyes of expert developer Justin Rogers as he discusses the performance-enhancing features of Microsoft Jscript.NET. Learn how to optimize the power of Jscript.NET for supporting both strongly-typed and loosely-typed language, and much more.
Microsoft.NET Web Forms
Mar 15, 2002
Jeff Prosise covers the key programming models embodied in the .NET Framework, including Windows forms, Web forms, and XML Web services. After you learn to build Web applications in this sample chapter, you'll never want to build them any other way.
Microsoft's Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF): Video Podcast Transcript
Apr 8, 2009
In this transcription of an OnMicrosoft session, Krzysztof Cwalina explains the thinking behind the development of the Managed Extensibility Framework.

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