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Windows Programming

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How to Use Atlas for ASP.NET
Dec 1, 2006
Kris Hadlock covers everything you need to know about how to use the new Atlas framework for ASP.NET: where to get it and how to integrate it and create your own AJAX-enabled ASP.NET web site from the ground up with C#.
How to Use Partial Classes in Visual Studio 2005
Jan 13, 2006
Partial classes permit splitting a single class, interface, or struct into multiple, separate files. There are several advantages to splitting these elements into many files, including permitting more than one developer to work on the same class. Paul Kimmel shows where partial classes are used and how you might use partial keywords to fine-tune your productivity. This article is adapted from Paul Kimmel's book C# for the Professional Programmer (Addison Wesley).
How to Use Regular Expressions TODAY in Your Windows PowerShell Code
Oct 13, 2015
Do you need to learn all about regular expressions before using them with PowerShell? Nope. Timothy Warner, author of Sams Teach Yourself Windows PowerShell 5 in 24 Hours, doesn't waste time with boring backstory. Learn how to combine regex with your PowerShell code to jump right into performing search-and-replace operations, validation, and more.
How to Use the Entity Framework Designer
Mar 13, 2013
In this chapter, Rebecca M. Riordan explores some of the nooks & crannies of the Entity Framework by taking a closer look at the Entity Framework Designer and some of the advanced capabilities it offers.
HttpHandlers and HttpModules
Feb 15, 2002
In this sample chapter from C# Developer's Guide to ASP.NET, XML and ADO.NET, Chris Kinsman and Jeffrey McManus discuss the functionality of HttpModules and HttpHandlers, two concepts that are new to ASP.NET.
Implementing an XML Section Handler in .NET
Sep 16, 2005
Paul Kimmel demonstrates how to objectify custom XML sections in .config files by using the IConfigurationSectionHandler. This technique will treat external XML data seamlessly as homogeneous objects, which is the basis for interesting solutions like Microsoft's Exception Management Application Block. This article is adapted from Paul Kimmel's book, C# Express.
Implementing Real-Time Language Translation Using .NET Control Adapters
Dec 29, 2006
Bob Reselman shows how to use the power of .NET control adapters to give run-of-the-mill web controls the ability to provide language translation at runtime.
Implementing Security in B2B Applications
Jun 7, 2002
Learn about security development in B2B applications, especially how to implement security and content access.
Implementing the Strongly Typed Collection in C#
Jul 5, 2002
Paul Kimmel demonstrates how to implement a strongly typed collection in C#. The strongly typed collection is a powerful and common pattern in .NET and offers a lot of benefit for the effort.
Important New Concepts in Windows Presentation Foundation
May 4, 2007
Learn some of the main concepts of WPF beyond what you already may be familiar with.
Important New Concepts in WPF
Jan 1, 2007
Improve Your Debugging with Debugger Markup Language
Dec 11, 2009
Debugging can be a daunting task because of the arcane command syntax and the simple fact that it’s sometimes hard to remember what each command does. Fortunately, you can now annotate debugger command output using Debugger Markup Language (DML). Mario Hewardt shows you how.
Improve Your Testing and Your Testers with Paired Testing
Apr 27, 2010
Have you ever had testers on your team whose knowledge and skill sets were complementary, and wondered how you could encourage them to exchange and collaborate so that they could both increase their skills? Author Karen Johnson shows a different approach to testing and some of the advantages of pairing testers.
Improving Software Economics, Part 1 of 7: From Software Development to Software Delivery
Oct 22, 2009
In part 1 of this series, Walker Royce discusses the economic changes inherent in moving from the software development model to the software delivery model.
Improving Software Economics, Part 2 of 7: The Move to Agility
Jan 14, 2010
In part 2 of this series, Walker Royce examines the evolution of agility in the software delivery model.
Improving Software Economics, Part 3 of 7: Top 10 Principles of Conventional Software Management
Jan 8, 2010
Walker Royce continues tracing the need for change in software methodologies. In this article, he reminds us of the time and expense involved in creating inadequate software based on poor systems.
Improving Software Economics, Part 4 of 7: Top 10 Principles of Iterative Software Management
Feb 4, 2010
Continuing his comparison of iterative software management versus conventional software management, Walker Royce shows that by applying proper engineering practices early, modern principles result in less total scrap and rework across the life of the software product.
Improving Software Economics, Part 5 of 7: Reducing Uncertainty: The Basis of Best Practice
Feb 8, 2010
In part 5 of this series, Walker Royce examines the scientific community's relationship with uncertainty.
Improving Software Economics, Part 6 of 7: Achieving 'Agility at Scale': Top 10 Principles of Agile Software Delivery
Feb 17, 2010
Continuing his series of 'top 10' lists, Walker Royce discusses the modern software development process in the Agile enterprise.
Improving Software Economics, Part 7 of 7: A Framework for Reasoning About Improving Software Economics
Feb 23, 2010
Walker Royce wraps up this series by suggesting ways to estimate costs realistically in a largely unpredictable industry.

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