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Windows Programming

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Effective Use of ADO.NET: Creating a Survey Application
Jan 30, 2004
After introducing you to ADO.NET and its relationship to the SQL Server managed provider, this chapter walks you the creation of a Survey application. The ADO.NET example focuses on a number of best practices, along with recommended design patterns.
Efficient Windows PowerShell Administration with WMI and CIM
Feb 17, 2016
Timothy Warner, author of Sams Teach Yourself Windows PowerShell in 24 Hours, differentiates between the often-confused terms WMI and CIM, and explains how best to use these technologies with Windows PowerShell.
Eight Terrifying Team Project Mistakes
Aug 17, 2009
John Paul Mueller shares project mistakes, including these frightening (true) examples.
Elements of Programming: Transformations and Their Orbits
Jun 18, 2009
The application of the deductive method to your programs assures that your systemโ€™s software components will work together and behave as they must. In this chapter, the authors discuss transformations and their orbits.
Emitting MSIL with Reflection
Jun 28, 2002
Emitting Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) code is an essential precursor to building adaptive software. Paul Kimmel shows how to emit MSIL using Reflection. Reflection.Emit is the foundation for the CodeDom, which can be used to generate Visual Basic .NET or C# code to a file or to a compiled assembly.
Enclosing Features and Data in .NET Objects
Jul 19, 2002
Protect those private members and safeguard users from messy details. Learn about encapsulation and how to design classes with encapsulation techniques with Visual Basic .NET.
Enterprise Application Integration Using .NET: The Controller
Sep 23, 2005
This chapter discusses the Controller class, which functions as a "traffic cop" that takes in the request sent from the web service and directs it to the appropriate places. Several other components are also covered.
Enterprise Services with the .NET Framework: Transaction Services
Jun 24, 2005
Transaction services are usually the main reason why Enterprise Services is used. This chapter opens with an overview of transactions, examines how you can task transactions programmatically, and finally turns to how you can use Enterprise Services transactions, and how you can access the new features offered with Windows Server 2003.
Essential ADO.NET: XML and Data Access Integration
Nov 1, 2002
Learn how ADO.NET not only supports relational data through the data provider, DataSet, and Adapter architecture, but also adds support for all types of nonrelational data through its integration with XML.
Essential C# 4.0: Delegates and Lambda Expressions
Mar 16, 2010
The use of methods as a data type and their support for publish-subscribe patterns is the focus of this chapter.
Essential C#: An Interview with Mark Michaelis
Mar 23, 2010
In this interview by Larry O'Brien, Mark Michaelis discusses the under-appreciated and under-used features of C#, why he embraces different programming paradigms, and his wish list for future versions of C#.
Essential Windows Communication Foundation for .NET Framework 3.5: Programmable Web
Feb 8, 2008
Learn about the new Web programming capabilities in WCF.
Events in XAML-Based Applications
Oct 24, 2011
Matteo Slaviero explores how events management in XAML-based applications changes due to Binding technology and the MVVM pattern. Learn how to work with the ICommand interface, RoutedUICommands, and Triggers.
Executing Ad Hoc Queries with VB .NET
Jun 7, 2002
Although no application can anticipate every user's needs, you can use VB .NET database objects to perform queries and manipulate your database by executing SQL scripts.
Exploring the CLR
Aug 15, 2003
Get all the ins and outs of CLR to help you become a productive component developer on the .NET platform. Though much of this info isn't necessary in your use of .NET, it will make you a better programmer and help you be a true expert on .NET.
Exploring the Code in ASP.NET: An Online Community Application
Jul 2, 2004
In this chapter, Dan Kent picks apart the code of the online community application presented earlier in his book, seeing how it works.
Extending the ASP.NET Runtime with Custom HTTP Modules
Feb 22, 2002
Want to build a custom HTTP module? Stephen Walther helps you create a module that can be used to perform custom authentication and authorization.
Extreme Programming, 10 Years Later
Aug 25, 2009
In the decade since the inception of XP, a lot has happened in the development world. Chet Hendrickson talks about the most interesting of these changes.
Fall Comdex 2002: .NET or .What?
Jan 10, 2003
Paul Kimmel reflects on Comdex 2002 in Las Vegas and the Great Debate: .NET or .What?
Faster Coding with the "My" Object in Visual Basic 2005
Oct 6, 2005
John Traenkenschuh was puzzled by developers who seemed reluctant to switch from VB 6 to Visual Basic .NET. Then a little experimentation showed him that something even better is coming soon: Visual Basic 2005. Using an old familiar teaching program, he shows how new features make the transition worthy even of those old VB 6 diehards.

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