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Is My Computer a Zombie? (and Other Uses for Netstat)
Dec 6, 2001
Netstat is a helpful tool for displaying information about current network connections. In this article, Kyle Cassidy and Richard Cardona give you the scoop on Netstat syntax and uses.
Technology: Privacy's Best Friend and Worst Enemy
Dec 6, 2001
Bob Grogan discusses anti-terrorism legislation and the threat of intrusion by our own legal authorities.
Computer Forensics: Tracking an Offender
Nov 30, 2001
Learn to collect and analyze evidence found in a compromised computer system.
PHP: Let the Data Drive
Nov 20, 2001
In this sample chapter from Essential PHP for Web Professionals, Christopher Cosentino introduces the free MySQL database, and shows you how to use it with PHP to create your own data-driven Web sites.
Physical Security
Nov 20, 2001
Physical security refers to aspects of computer security that have to do with the physical placement of the machine itself, the machine's operating environment, and the degree to which the machine is protected from hardware-level compromise.
Building a Roadmap for Securing Your Enterprise
Nov 16, 2001
This sample chapter from Maximum Security describes the basics of creating a pro-active information security plan, including the elimination of vulnerability points and the implementation of self-audit mechanisms.
Creating an Information Security Policy
Nov 16, 2001
Scott Barman discusses how to create an information security policy that can be the basis for sound virus protection on your organization's network.
Security's "Top 10"
Nov 16, 2001
Want your systems and networks to be safe and secure? Ed Tittel explains how to stay on top of the constantly changing security landscape.
Solaris 8 System and Network Security Checklist
Nov 16, 2001
This system and network security checklist, although not exhaustive, should help you quickly check the basic security settings of your Solaris 8 installation and TCP/IP network configuration and help you make and keep your Solaris 8 systems secure.
Musings on Personal (and SOHO) Firewalls
Nov 2, 2001
Want to keep your cable modem or DSL connection safe and secure? Ed Tittel gives you the low-down.
Introduction to Software Security
Nov 2, 2001
The root of most security problems is software that fails in unexpected ways. Although software security as a field has much maturing to do, it has much to offer to those practitioners interested in striking at the heart of security problems.
Honeynet Project: The Battleground
Nov 2, 2001
This sample chapter from Know Your Enemy: Revealing the Security Tools, Tactics, and Motives of the Blackhat Community describes the genesis of the Honeynet Project.
Honeynet Project: What a Honeynet Is
Nov 2, 2001
This sample chapter from Know Your Enemy: Revealing the Security Tools, Tactics, and Motives of the Blackhat Community describes how Honeynet operating systems and applications are identical to real systems, which lets the Honeynet Project group ...
Been Cracked? Just Put PAM On It!
Oct 26, 2001
Pluggable authentication models (PAM) allow you to configure your Linux environment to meet your own particular security needs.
Real World Linux Security: Regaining Control of Your System
Oct 26, 2001
This sample chapter from Real World Linux Security: Intrusion Prevention, Detection and Recovery teaches you how to regain control of your system if it is cracked, and how to prevent future security breaches.
Wireless Security Fundamentals
Oct 19, 2001
Bryan Morgan discusses the issues involved in protecting wireless software and data from intrusion.
Profiting from Infection?
Oct 19, 2001
Do computer virus threats give unscrupulous marketers the right to sell their anti-virus software using scare tactics? Ed Tittel shares his recent experience with a bogus Nimda infection.
The Enemy: Protecting Your Organization from Blackhats
Oct 12, 2001
This sample chapter from Know Your Enemy shares what the Honeynet Project has learned about blackhats, focusing on those who use existing methods and tools to randomly search for and prey on organizations with highly vulnerable systems.
Defending Your Log Files
Sep 28, 2001
To mount an effective security defense, preventing attackers from altering logs is critical. Ed Skoudis shows you some tactics to employ here.
Even Nastier: Traditional RootKits
Sep 28, 2001
When attackers get root access on a machine, a RootKit allows them to maintain that access by implementing a back door and hiding evidence of system compromise. Ed Skoudis shows how to avoid being RootKitted in this article.

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