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Information Security Must Balance Business Objectives
May 24, 2002
Information security is a relative term. It is effective only when it is balanced with business requirements, cost, and risk mitigation. Learn how to determine security requirements that mesh effectively with your business objectives, create policies that work for your organization, and use technology to implement your policies.
Internetwork Security Overview
May 17, 2002
Network security controls the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. Although there is no such thing as a truly secure system, you must audit your security frequently, and make it work for system users.
Internet Infrastructure Components: A 10,000-Foot View
May 10, 2002
The Internet still utilizes the same inherently insecure TCP/IP infrastructure developed in the late 1970s and early 1980s, so security must be a critical consideration of businesses and home users.
Deitel Presents An Introduction to Denial-of-Service Attacks in Perl
May 1, 2002
Deitel™ introduces Perl security and Denial-of-Service attacks. Readers should be familiar with Perl programming, regular expressions, basic CGI, basic file processing and an understanding of HTTP requests and responses.
How Do You Know If Something's Amiss? Characterize Your Systems
May 1, 2002
Administrators need to know what "normal" means if they want to handle days when the system goes wacko, say Julia Allen and Larry Rogers of the CERT Coordination Center.
The Cisco IOS Firewall Feature Set
May 1, 2002
Anu Tewari covers the basic components of the Cisco IOS Firewall Feature Set and tells how it can help a business guard against security breaches.
Information Gathering: Who Wants to Know What about Whom?
Apr 19, 2002
How much are you willing to pay for convenience? Not just money and time, but information? Two privacy experts help you decide how much information is too much information to give.
"Open Sesame" or Not? Use the Right Access Controls
Apr 12, 2002
"Open Sesame" or Not? Administrators must use the correct access controls to ensure a secure system.
Privacy Organizations and Initiatives
Apr 12, 2002
Find out how some organizations are fighting to protect your right to privacy, even as technology becomes steadily more invasive.
Firewall Deployment for Multi-Tier Applications
Apr 5, 2002
Firewalls can be deployed in numerous ways as part of a security perimeter around Internet-facing servers. Lenny Zeltser explains here how to use firewalls to separate network resources in a way that suits multitier applications.
Learn Host-Based Intrusion Detection
Apr 5, 2002
Follow the step-by-step examples to learn how to use five major host-based intrusion detection tools: TCP Wrappers, xinetd, Tripwire, Swatch, and PortSentry.
Night of the Living Wi-Fi's (A Security Parable for Our Times)
Apr 5, 2002
Ed Skoudis' true-to-life scenario sends chills up the spine of any business with employees using unsecured wireless access.
See What Your Attacker Sees with Scanning Tools
Apr 5, 2002
Defend against attacks by examining your systems from the viewpoint of the attacker. You can use the same tools to protect your systems that attackers use to break in to your systems. Learn how here.
Upgrading Software Development Security
Apr 5, 2002
Information security expert Scott Barman discusses how to create a secure development program within an existing software development process. Organizations such as Microsoft may need to consider such policies in their heightened concentration on security.
Writing Mobile Code Policies
Apr 5, 2002
Information security expert Scott Barman discusses how to think about and create a policy on using mobile code that will work within the security infrastructure of your organization's network environment.
Attacks from Outside the Operating System
Mar 29, 2002
This excerpt from Andy Tanenbaum's Modern Operating Systems looks at some of the operating systems aspects of external threats, primarily focusing on viruses, worms, mobile code, and Java applets.
Linux Firewalls: Packet Filtering
Mar 29, 2002
This sample chapter covers the basic concepts and mechanisms on which a packet-filtering firewall is based, and explains what network communication is, what a packet it, and how network-based services are identified.
Preparing Your Enterprise for Tighter Security
Mar 29, 2002
The authors of Securing Business Information show you how to ready your business for crucial security measures, including building the proper organization and marketing the mission within the business.
Configuring OpenSSH for the Solaris Operating Environment
Mar 22, 2002
This article deals with server and client configurations, key management, and integration into existing environments for the Solaris Operating Environment (OE).
Forming and Managing an Incident Response Team
Mar 22, 2002
This sample chapter delves into forming and managing an incident response team - what a response team is, the rationale for forming an incident response team, major issues that must be addressed, and special management considerations.

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