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Asymmetric Cryptography
Dec 19, 2003
Learn how asymmetric algorithms solve the shortcomings of symmetric algorithms. The authors of ".NET Security and Cryptography" also examine how asymmetric algorithms work at a conceptual level, and also provide a detailed analysis of RSA, which is currently the most popular asymmetric algorithm. Finally, they show how to use RSA in a typical program using the appropriate .NET Security Framework classes.
Integrating Smartcard and Secured Access Technologies in Windows Server 2003
Dec 12, 2003
Smartcards and other security hardware have been around for several years but have been adopted slowly due to perceived difficulties in implementation. Windows Server 2003 has made the deployment of such security devices much more straightforward. The authors of "Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Insider Solutions" explain how to use Smartcards and other secured access technologies.
Securing Cisco Routers
Dec 12, 2003
Learn the different ways you can provide additional security to your Cisco network by setting up encrypted passwords, turning off all unwanted services, configuring different access levels, and using different access lists to filter all unwanted traffic out of your network and mitigate spoofing and DoS threats.
Trojan Horses
Dec 12, 2003
Malware expert Ed Skoudis discusses Trojan horses, which are computer programs that appear to be benign, but really include hidden malicious code. He outlines different types of Trojan Horses and how to protect against them.
J2EE Security
Nov 26, 2003
This chapter from "Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition: Platform and Component Specifications" describes the security requirements for the Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE).
Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator Hardware
Nov 13, 2003
It is important to understand the hardware aspects of the Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator hardware series. David Minutella explains what you'll need to know about them to pass the CCSP CSVPN Exam.
Security in Microsoft IIS
Nov 13, 2003
Microsoft's IIS has earned a reputation for being relatively insecure. In this sample book chapter, you'll learn what you can do to make sure your own server isn't at risk, from Passport.NET Authentication to setting the identity of Worker Processes.
What Bill Gates Says About Security
Nov 13, 2003
Microsoft product managers at the PDC hammered home the idea that code has to get better, and that buffer overruns are caused, basically, by sloppy programming. But Bill Gates said, "You don't need perfect code to avoid security problems." Not if you use firewalls and keep your software up to date.
Basics of the PIX Firewall
Nov 7, 2003
There are several areas of a network in a secure environment; the most common are the inside, the outside, and the DMZ firewalls that help divide and control traffic between them. Cisco has designed the PIX series of firewalls to be the primary devices for performing these functions. This chapter covers the basics of the PIX firewall areas that connect to the firewall—the trusted, untrusted, and DMZ.
Responding to Customer's Security Incidents--Part 3: Following Up After an Incident
Oct 31, 2003
The third in a five-part series, this article focuses on following up after an incident and presents the best practices that should be executed in the follow-up phase.
Using Smartcards in Windows Server 2003/XP
Oct 17, 2003
Worried about password authentication security on your Microsoft Windows network? With Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, you can get smart cards working for you faster than ever before.
Maintaining Security by Implementing, Managing, and Troubleshooting Service Packs and Security Updates
Oct 10, 2003
Roberta Bragg helps you learn the tools and methods necessary to keep systems patched, how to troubleshoot the problems the patches may cause, and understand the reasons tools may not work correctly.
Expressing Security Protocol Goals
Sep 26, 2003
This chapter considers how authentication and secrecy properties can be captured by enhancing CSP descriptions of protocols with the introduction of "specification events" into the descriptions of honest agents.
Securing Sun Linux Systems: Part II, Network Security
Sep 26, 2003
The second in a two-part series, this article provides recommendations for securing the Sun Linux 5.0 operating system.
UNIX Security 101
Sep 26, 2003
"What do you mean we have no logs and we must rebuild systems from scratch? We have a firewall! Isn't that enough?" The answer, of course, is "no." John Traenkenschuh examines some key UNIX security issues by walking you through a UNIX security investigation.
Working with Snort Rules
Sep 19, 2003
Learn how to work with Snort rules to ensure the security of your system.
Dissecting Snort
Sep 12, 2003
Learn the function of the internal components of Snort to help you customize the system to your network and help you avoid some of the common Snort pitfalls.
Security Scanning with Nessus
Aug 29, 2003
Nessus, an open source security assessment tool, offers a powerful solution for administrators who want to secure their environment before a security breach happens.
Basic Cisco IOS Software and Catalyst 3550 Series Security
Jul 25, 2003
Become comfortable with basic Cisco IOS Software and Catalyst 3550 security features with an introduction to password management, disabling unnecessary services, setting up secure HTTP and NTP services, and SSH.
Application Security for Visual C++.NET Developers
Jul 18, 2003
It's one thing to say you'll build secure applications, another thing entirely to know how to do so. Learn the basic techniques for improving the security of your .NET applications.

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