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Fighting Spam and Viruses at the Server, Part IV
Apr 23, 2004
Dee-Ann and Robert LeBlanc conclude their series on weeding out the spam in your users' inboxes with this comprehensive look at the tools and tricks Windows mail administrators can use to get their incoming mail services back under control.
Infrastructure Security Practice Exam Questions
Apr 9, 2004
Memory Hygiene in C and C++ Part 3: Safe Programming with Risky Data
Apr 9, 2004
If it's a good idea to learn proper memory management skills, as Cameron Laird has suggested in his ongoing series, then you'll need to gain skill at using the tools that help you do so. In this article, you'll learn how to use a free memory debugging utility, and find out how easily it can help you solve memory problems.
Stopping Spam at the Server: Part III
Apr 9, 2004
The best approach to developing an anti-spam solution for your network is to use a combination of techniques. The LeBlancs give a darned good overview of what you need to know, with lots of specific examples.
Fighting Spam and Viruses at the Server, Part II
Mar 26, 2004
In their continuing series on spam fighting for the network administrator, Dee-Ann and Robert LeBlanc discuss the tests you perform on an E-mail message's actual content—or, more precisely, the tests that specially designed software performs for you.
Preventing Buffer Overflow In Visual C++ Applications
Mar 19, 2004
Buffer overflows are currently the most common cause of security flaws in applications. Discover the techniques that professionals use to thwart this problem in this article by John Mueller.
Fighting Spam and Viruses at the Server, Part I
Mar 12, 2004
Spam, spam, spam — entertaining for Monty Python fans, but not for Internet users. How can E-mail administrators keep it out of the company mailboxes? Dee-Ann LeBlanc and Robert LeBlanc have some useful suggestions.
Restricting Web Sites with the ISA Server Firewall Service
Mar 5, 2004
Internet Security and Acceleration Server (ISA Server) is a sophisticated firewall and web cache server. Adding ISA Server to your Windows Server 2003 installation can help to protect machines on your internal network from the depredations of crazies on the Internet.
Effective Incident Response: The Puzzle in Action
Feb 27, 2004
This chapter focuses on the operational aspects of computer incident response. The authors describe considerations that should be given to specific incident-handling procedures. This information can then be used to write computer incident policies and procedures.
Forming an Effective Incident Response Team: What's Your Mission?
Feb 20, 2004
There are numerous considerations that should be addressed during the formation of an incident response team. Then a solid foundation can be laid for the other decisions that must be made toward the completion of the team. The chapter first defines the focus and mission of the team, then moves into various operational aspects that may be considered.
Performance Forensics
Feb 13, 2004
This article draws from lessons and concepts of health care delivery to provide ideas for addressing system-performance complaints with predictable and accurate results. Specific tools from the Solaris Operating System are discussed.
Detecting DDOS and Other Security Problems
Feb 6, 2004
Some developers think the problem of DDOS attacks has no solution, but you can reduce your risk with a unique application of existing technology. John Mueller shows you how you can detect a breach in your application before it becomes a major problem, so at least you can close the door on intruders.
Memory Hygiene in C and C++: Safe Programming with Risky Data
Feb 6, 2004
Memory management is scary. It should be: A lot can go wrong—often very wrong. But a moderately experienced C or C++ programmer can learn and understand memory hazards completely. Once you have that knowledge, you should feel only confidence, not fear.
Are You Still Using RSH?
Jan 30, 2004
Running RSH is like leaving your house keys under the welcome mat. SSH offers the same convenience and functionality with far greater security, so why haven't you switched?
Securing Linux Systems With Host-Based Firewalls Implemented With Linux iptables
Jan 30, 2004
This article provides information and recommendations for securing Linux operating systems with host-based firewalls.
Securing Web Applications through a Secure Reverse Proxy
Jan 30, 2004
This article describes recommended practices for setting up the Sun ONE Proxy Server software to represent a secure content server to outside clients, preventing direct, unmonitored access to your server's data from outside your company.
Home Security and Surveillance Systems
Jan 16, 2004
This chapter provides the information you will need to know — as a home integrator or a do-it-yourselfer — for designing, integrating, and installing a home security and surveillance system.
Responding to a Customer's Security Incidents, Part 4: Processing Incident Data
Jan 9, 2004
This fourth article focuses on authenticating, preserving, and processing the incident data. Only the salient points for best practices that should be executed in processing the incident data are discussed.
DB2 Universal Database Security
Dec 23, 2003
Nine percent of the DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Fundamentals certification exam (Exam 700) is designed to test your knowledge about the mechanisms DB2 Universal Database uses to protect data and database objects against unauthorized access and modification. This chapter introduces you to the authorization levels and privileges of the DB2 Universal Database.
Hack Your Vacuum Cleaner
Dec 23, 2003
Enough with this serious business stuff. Wendy Wolfson explains creative ways to make your robotic vacuum cleaner do anything besides clean the floor.

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