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EFS Issues in Windows XP/2003
Jun 25, 2004
Compared to Windows 2000, the new implementation of the Encrypting File System (EFS) in Windows XP/2003 has some pitfalls. Zubair Alexander examines these issues and provides some pointers for planning an EFS strategy for your business environment.
Security and the Management Plane, Part 1
Jun 25, 2004
In part 1 of a two-part article, network management specialist Stephen Morris discusses the management plane, its interaction with the other planes, and the need to maintain its security. Some important principles of network management are also discussed along the way.
Building OpenSSH--Tools and Tradeoffs, Updated for OpenSSH 3.7.1p2
Jun 18, 2004
This article contains information about gathering the needed components, deciding the compile-time configuration decisions, building the components, and finally assembling OpenSSH.
General Design Considerations for Secure Networks
Jun 18, 2004
Intrusion Detection Overview
Jun 18, 2004
Learn how IDS components work together to proactively secure the network environment against a backdrop of both amateur and sophisticated attacks.
Protecting Your Email Address with an Anti-Spam Encoder
Jun 18, 2004
A.Lizard describes NATATA Anti-Spam Encoder, a simple utility for turning mailto: links on HTML pages from addresses harvestable via spambot to mailto links human-readable via web browser.
A Closer Look at the Fine Print in Privacy Statements
Jun 11, 2004
Most major companies (Novell, IBM, Oracle, HP, Microsoft, and so on) have very similar privacy statements. Zubair Alexander takes a closer look at the fine print in these statements: what type of data or personal information may be collected from you, and who it's shared with. What's in the fine print may surprise you.
Security Expert Gary McGraw on Black Hats, the U.S. Government, and Good vs. Evil
Jun 11, 2004
Seth Fogie and Gary McGraw discuss McGraw's latest book, Exploiting Software, black hats, the current security situation in the U.S. government, what a software security specialist needs to know to get started in this industry and whether people are fundamentally good or evil.
The Foundations of Distributed Message-Level Security
Jun 11, 2004
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Covert Java: Hacking Non-Public Methods and Variables of a Class
Jun 4, 2004
Learn to hack non-public methods and variables of a class. Alex Kalinovsky covers the problem of encapsulation, accessing packages and protected class members, and accessing private class members.
Securing Your Laptop
Jun 4, 2004
Michelle Johnston identifies some solid ways to deter thieves from stealing your laptop or the data inside.
The Theory of Cryptography
Jun 4, 2004
One of the essential ingredients of e-business and enterprise computing is cryptography, which plays a critical role in J2SE and J2EE security. This chapter describes secret-key and public-key cryptographic systems as related to Java 2 Enterprise Edition, in a way that's meant to demystify the concepts and terms surrounding cryptography.
Cryptography with Java
May 28, 2004
The purpose of this chapter is to make you, a Java and J2EE programmer, feel at home with cryptographic capabilities of Java, and is structured around cryptography information that is both useful and practical to Java programmers.
Spyware Explained
May 28, 2004
Spyware and malware are at plague proportions, and your network might be full of spyware-infected machines that use up bandwidth, slow everything down, and cost you time and money. Jonathan Read shows you where spyware originates, how you can educate network users, and how to stop spyware. This is a must-read for all system administrators and anyone who uses the Internet.
CCSP Self-Study: Advanced AAA Security for Cisco Router Networks
May 21, 2004
For CCSP candidates, John Roland discusses Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers, Cisco Secure ACS for UNIX, and the security services of TACACS+, RADIUS, and Kerberos.
Introduction to Biometrics and Network Security
May 21, 2004
If you are to use and deploy biometrics, you need to understand where they fit in relative to other types of authentication, and where one authentication method may be better than the another. Paul Reid provides a guide for the successful deployment of biometrics for network security.
Fighting Spam and Viruses at the Server, Part V: The Linux Edition
May 7, 2004
In the final article in this series about spam management for administrators, Dee-Ann and Robert LeBlanc look at the products available for Linux, and compare the (platform agnostic) tradeoffs between free and commercial solutions.
Google Hacking Mini-Guide
May 7, 2004
Using search engines such as Google, "search engine hackers" can easily find exploitable targets and sensitive data. This article outlines some of the techniques used by hackers and discusses how to prevent your site from becoming a victim of this form of information leakage.
Network Security Basics
May 7, 2004
Robyn Aber help us to explore how routers and switches are the keys to a strong network foundation.Together they enable the intelligent, end-to-end movement of converged data, voice, and video information within or outside the business.
Enterprise Java Security Fundamentals
Apr 30, 2004
The J2EE security model addresses authentication, authorization, delegation, and data integrity for the components that make up a J2EE environment. This environment includes J2EE applications—Web components, such as servlets and JSP files, EJB components, Java 2 connectors, and JavaMail—and secure interoperability requirements. If all that sounds like buzzword bingo to you, then this sample book chapter will help you grasp the essentials.

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