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Jurassic Hard Drive Shredders Munch Regulatory, Legal Problems
Nov 12, 2004
It's a jungle out there, with old hard drives growing legs and scampering off through the trees to spread information outside your walls. But a new breed of metal-munching and drive-slashing monsters has been created to chew up your problems and cut the data leaks for as little as twelve cents a pound, and they are awesome.
Cryptography: Beginning with a Simple Communication Game
Nov 5, 2004
In this introductory chapter from his book, Wenbo Mao uses a simple game to demonstrate the complexity of cryptography, and its utility for your business.
The Real THR34T KR3W: The Story of Hacker Connor Hansen
Nov 5, 2004
Regular readers of Seth Fogie's articles may recall his introduction to the THR34T KR3W a couple of years ago. Although arrests were eventually made, the THR34T KR3W didn't just give up its marauding and vanish into thin air. One of the original THR34T KR3W members, Connor Hansen, speaks up to give Informit readers the inside scoop on the group.
Content Security with Check Point Firewall-1
Oct 29, 2004
Content Security provides additional control over what can be accessed through your firewalls. In this sample chapter, Dameon D. Welch-Abernathy explains how to manage content security with Check Point Firewall-1.
High-Tech Crimes Revealed: An Interview with Stephen Branigan
Oct 22, 2004
Stephen Branigan, one of the founders of the New York City task force on cybercrime and author of High-Tech Crimes Revealed: Cyberwar Stories from the Digital Front, talks to Seth Fogie about hacker motivations and how to solve cyber crimes.
Fighting Fire with Fire: Designing a "Good" Computer Virus
Oct 15, 2004
Cyrus Peikari demonstrates methods to design and test a live, attenuated computer virus vaccine using real-world simulation.
Stupid Spam-Fighting Tricks: Sucker Moves To Avoid
Oct 15, 2004
Spam is already a pain, but some folks inflict more pain on themselves with these not-so-clever spam-fighting tricks.
Installing and Running Security Software for Sun Solaris
Oct 8, 2004
This chapter provides instructions for downloading, installing, and running the Solaris Security Toolkit software and other security-related software.
Reverse-Engineering the First Pocket PC Trojan, Part 2
Oct 8, 2004
In part 2 of their series on the Brador Trojan horse for the Pocket PC, Cyrus Peikari, Seth Fogie, Ratter/29A, and Jonathan Read take us on a detailed tour of exactly how this nasty piece of business works.
Reverse-Engineering the First Pocket PC Trojan, Part 1
Oct 1, 2004
Cyrus Peikari, Seth Fogie, Ratter/29A, and Jonathan Read present a detailed two-part analysis of the Brador Trojan horse for the Windows Mobile operating system.
The Role of Computer Forensics in Stopping Executive Fraud
Oct 1, 2004
Virtual evidence is an important part of nearly every modern corporate crime investigation, and proper handling of that evidence can mean the difference between a conviction and a criminal walking free. In this chapter, you'll learn how to properly investigate computer evidence in a corporate environment.
Tipping the Scales Toward Secure Code
Oct 1, 2004
Everybody can use more secure codeโ€”and sometimes the best way to hone your skills is by listening to other programmers. Here are 18 tips offered by your fellow developers.
Cyberwar Stories: If He Had Just Paid the Rent
Sep 24, 2004
Steven Branigan demonstrates the principle that investigation of smaller crimes can lead to the discovery of much larger crimes in this case study from his book.
IPsec -- A Secure Deployment Option
Sep 24, 2004
This article addresses the problem of protecting data traffic between systems using working examples to explain how to configure IPsec to protect data, to create keys, and to troubleshoot implementations.
Details Emerge on the First Windows Mobile Virus (Part 3 of 3)
Sep 17, 2004
This series concludes with Ratter describing the creation of WinCE4.Dust.
A Simple Guide To Macintosh Security
Sep 10, 2004
Macintosh security is built in, not added as an afterthought. The design of Mac's OS X made security a top priority and achieved it in many different ways. Larry Loeb gives you an update on some of the ways security has been implemented.
Details Emerge on the First Windows Mobile Virus (Part 2 of 3)
Sep 10, 2004
In part II we hear from Ratter, the author of the first proof-of-concept virus for Windows Mobile. He begins by tracing the history of how he came into virus research.
Managing Spam
Sep 7, 2004
Details Emerge on the First Windows Mobile Virus (Part 1 of 3)
Sep 3, 2004
This three-part series by Cyrus Peikari, Seth Fogie, and Ratter/29A discusses the development of viruses for the Windows Mobile platform. Part 1 describes the first, WinCE4.Dust.
Introduction to Firewalls
Sep 3, 2004
Daemon D. Welch-Abernathy provides Firewall 101, specifically with an eye towards the features and utility of FireWall-1 NG.

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