
Featured Book

Effective Software Architecture: Building Better Software Faster

Effective Software Architecture

Leverage software architecture as an effective tool for product development and build better software faster
The essential handbook for making software architecture an effective practice within product development organizations and processes while putting whole software teams on the same page. Industry elite Oliver Goldman provides a comprehensive perspective on the set of real-world skills and practices this work requires.

13210 Items

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How to Troubleshoot Code
By Mark Seemann
Nov 21, 2022
Techniques for solving code problems.
What is the Right Service Granularity in APIs?
By Olaf Zimmermann, Daniel Lubke, Cesare Pautasso, Mirko Stocker, Uwe Zdun
Nov 17, 2022
The EMBEDDED ENTITY and LINKED INFORMATION HOLDER API design patterns are presented.
Boolean Logic in SQL
By Larry Rockoff
Nov 15, 2022
Introduces several operators that allow you to create complex logical expressions in SQL.
Binary Trees
By John Canning, Alan Broder, Robert Lafore
Nov 5, 2022

Binary trees are one of the fundamental data storage structures used in programming.

Organizing for Adaptability
By Cesario Ramos, Ilia Pavlichenko
Nov 5, 2022

Understand how an agile organization is designed and what drives customer value.

The Challenge of SRE Transformation
By Vladyslav Ukis
Nov 5, 2022

This chapter shows the consequences of not thinking about production throughout the product creation life cycle.

Thinking Like a Designer
By Jeremy Gibson Bond
Nov 5, 2022

Basic theories of game design and what it means to be a game designer.

A Live Web Application
By Michael Hartl
Oct 25, 2022

Deploy a palindrome app to the live Web and learn about Ruby, Sinatra, and other topics like JavaScript and Ruby on Rails.

C++ Control Statements, Part 2
By Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel
Oct 25, 2022

Use control statements in C++17 and C++20.

Collaborating with Git
By Michael Hartl
Oct 25, 2022

How to use repository hosts like GitHub and Bitbucket or host Git repositories on private servers like GitLab to work with multiple collaborators.

Containers in C++
By Bjarne Stroustrup
Oct 25, 2022

A class with the main purpose of holding objects is commonly called a container, which is fundamental in the construction of any program.

Full Sample App: Image Gallery
By Michael Hartl
Oct 25, 2022

Finish building a polished image gallery, display and swap custom images, and change the image title and description using JavaScript.

How Personal Computers Work
By Mike Miller
Oct 25, 2022

Start here if you're not that familiar with computers or want a brief refresher of how they work.

Introduction to Network Security
By Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Ray Perlner, Mike Speciner
Oct 25, 2022

The authors discuss how to communicate securely over an insecure medium through cryptography.

Laying It All Out
By Lee Donahoe, Michael Hartl
Oct 25, 2022

Put your CSS knowledge together to create a real website.

Processing Input and Output
By Cay S. Horstmann
Oct 25, 2022

Learn how to work with files, directories, and web pages, and how to read and write data in binary and text format.

Sign Up
By Michael Hartl
Oct 25, 2022

Allow users to sign up on your website using Ruby on Rails.

The Art of Computer Programming
By Donald E. Knuth
Oct 25, 2022

Combinatorial algorithms are the methods that allow us to cope with problems that involve zillions of cases.

The Java Platform Module System
By Cay S. Horstmann
Oct 25, 2022

Use the Java Platform Module System to modularize your own applications.

What does an SRE engineer do?
By Vladyslav Ukis
Oct 7, 2022
Why companies are actively looking for SRE engineers today.

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