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Code That Fits in Your Head: Foreword
Mar 17, 2022
Uncle Bob's foreword to the new book in his series, Code That Fits in Your Head by Mark Seemann
Using Your Windows 11 PC
By Michael R. Miller
Mar 14, 2022
How to turn on and start using a new Windows 11 computer.
C++ Functions Explained
By Rainer Grimm
Mar 11, 2022
Best practices for working with C++ Functions.
Strategic Monoliths and Microservices: Foreword
By Mary Poppendieck
Mar 9, 2022
Mary Poppendieck's Foreword to the book from Vaughn Vernon and Tomasz Jaskula.
What Are Design Patterns?
By James W. Cooper
Mar 8, 2022
Defines design patterns, how to learn them, and notes on object-oriented approaches.
A Brief History of Craftsmanship in Programming
By Robert C. Martin
Feb 22, 2022
A look at past examples of craftsmanship from the author of "Clean Code."
Get Started with Unity
By Mike Geig
Feb 10, 2022
Get ready to rock and roll in the Unity environment in an hour.
Securing Massive IoT Deployments in 5G
By Pramod Nair
Feb 7, 2022
Covers the risks related to IoT devices and related connectivity and management.
The Power of "You"
By Jerry Weissman
Feb 7, 2022

Author Jerry Weissman shows you how to effectively communicate to your audience using numerous case studies and a proven approach in the power of "you."

Using Variables and Declaring Constants in C++
By Siddhartha Rao
Feb 2, 2022
Variables help a programmer temporarily store data for a finite amount of time; Constants help a programmer define artifacts that are not allowed to change or make changes.
How to Share Your Agile Expertise
By Damon B. Poole, Gillian Lee
Jan 30, 2022
How to pass on your Agile expertise to help people move toward an Agile mindset.
The Power of Physics-Based Software for Engineering and Scientific Research
By Douglass E. Post, Richard P. Kendall
Jan 28, 2022
The paradigm of virtual prototyping that provides a better way to develop products and conduct research.
Software Engineering Fundamentals
By David Farley
Jan 23, 2022
Discusses the fundamentals of an engineering approach to software development.
Software Development Pearls - Book Review
By Robert L. Glass
Jan 19, 2022
Software pioneer Robert L. Glass' review of Karl Wiegers' Software Development Pearls
Embracing Modern C++ Safely - Excerpt
By John Lakos, Rostislav Khlebnikov, Alisdair Meredith, Vittorio Romeo
Jan 16, 2022
Features covered include: override, deprecated attribute, extern template, and inline namespace.
Basic Quantum Theory
By Chuck Easttom
Jan 8, 2022
An introduction to various aspects of quantum theory.
C++ Basics
By Peter Gottschling
Jan 8, 2022
A guide through the fundamental features of C++.
The Android System
By G. Blake Meike, Lawrence Schiefer
Jan 8, 2022
Presents three different, high-level views of the Android system.
Coding Your First Project with Roblox and Lua
By Official Roblox Books(Pearson)
Dec 23, 2021
Learn how to set up Roblox Studio, make your first script, and test your code.
Relational Database Components
By Ryan Stephens
Dec 23, 2021
Outlines the key components of the relational database and how SQL relates to the rational database.

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