Multiple Prompts
In VoiceXML, a field may provide one or more prompts. If there is only one prompt, it is repeatedly used to prompt the user for the value until a valid data is provided. If there are multiple prompts, each must include a count attribute that determines which prompt to use on repeated attempts to get the entry right. Many VoiceXML applications use a technique called tapered prompting in their field definitions where the prompt message is shortened as the user continues to have trouble. For example:
<prompt count"1"> Please use tour keypad for data entry. Press 1 for Joe Torre, press 2 for Mickey Mantle, or press 3 for Cy Young </prompt> <prompt count"2"> Press 1 for Joe Torre, press 2 for Mickey Mantle, or press 3 for Cy Young </prompt> <prompt count"3"> 1 Torre, 2 for Mantle, 3 for Young. </prompt>
In the above example, the voice server will continue presenting the count="3" prompt even when the count exceeds 3. Since the highest count prompt will continue to be heard, a special longer prompt is often provided at the end of the tapered prompt series, as in the following:
<prompt count"4"> It appears you’re having trouble with selecting your options. If you’d like to speak to a representative please call 1-800-homerun. </prompt>