The solutions to the following exercises can be found at my Web site, http://www.randyconnolly.com/core. Additional exercises only available for teachers and instructors are also available from this site.
Create a profile-based shopping cart. This requires a products listing page, a single product page in which the user can add to the cart, and a view cart page in which the user can view and remove items from the cart. You can use the book catalog database as the data source.
Create a page that allows administrators to view, edit, or delete anonymous and authenticated profiles. This page should allow the user to filter the profiles by some type of user-entered date range.
Make a new RSS user control that displays one of the Amazon RSS feeds (see www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/subst/xs/syndicate.html). This control should have a property named RssFeed, which contains the RSS URL and can be changed by the user via a PropertyGridEditorPart. Integrate this control with the Web part page created in Walkthrough 14.4.
The next exercises use the ModernEyeCatalog database.
Create a Web part page that displays information from the ModernEyeCatalog database. It must consist of the following Web parts that you must create (using either user or custom controls): a Menu part, a Login part, an Artist List part, a List of the Top 10 Keywords part, and a List of the Top 10 Works of Art part. Finally, this page should contain a catalog.
Create a Select Keyword part and a Art Words By Keyword part. Implement a static connection between the two parts, with the Select Keyword part the connection provider.