Working with SOAP
In addition to REST, supports SOAP, an XML-based protocol for exchanging XML-based messages over computer networks. The ideas behind SOAP go back to the early days of XML. In 1998, shortly after XML was established as a W3C Recommendation, several companies began looking at XML as a vehicle for exchanging data over the Internet. In 1999, Microsoft brought together several industry experts to define a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) for building web services and linking heterogeneous components over the Internet.
Based on delivering XML in the payload of HTTP requests, SOAP was designed as an open, extensible way for applications to communicate, independent of language, object model, or operating system. In 2000, IBM, Microsoft, UserLand Software, and DevelopMentor submitted SOAP to the W3C as a Note. In 2003, SOAP was officially recognized as a W3C Recommendation, although due to some confusion about the meaning of "Object Access" in its name, SOAP is officially no longer an acronym for anything.