- Choices, Choices
- The Microsoft Solution
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- Performance Issues
- Remote Security
- Selecting Remote Control Software
Selecting Remote Control Software
Remote control software is a product that requires careful evaluation. The obvious place to start is with Windows’ Remote Assistance. This may be perfectly adequate for your needs, and at the very least it provides a standard against which you can judge the other products.
If you have system management software with built-in remote control, you should evaluate that software as well. Again, it may or may not be what you need, but it’s free and your people already have experience with it.
Performance and usability are easy to judge. Security is less so. Any remote software in your enterprise is a potential security catastrophe waiting to happen. If you decide to use it, especially if you’re going to be working over the Internet, you need to make very sure that you’re adequately protected. If you have security specialists on staff, consult with them before choosing a remote control software. Just don’t be surprised if their first reaction is to start waving garlic and wooden crosses in your direction.
Finally, there’s the all-important matter of fit. Does the product fit the way your Help Desk and your users interact?
Remote control software isn’t expensive, but it may end up being a product you use constantly. Given that fact, and the potential security risks, it pays to choose carefully.