- SQL Server Management Studio
- SQL Server 2005 Infrastructure Management
- Operations Management Tools
- SQL Server 2005 Remote Management Features
- SQL Server Monitoring
- Managing Very Large Databases
- SQL Server Replication Enhancements
- High Availability for the Masses
- General Data Availability
- Indexed View
- Common Language Runtime and Database Administrator
- Business Intelligence and the Database Administrator
- Summary
For the DBA, little is unchanged between versions of SQL Server. DBAs will welcome many of the time-saving features as well as the new scalability and availability features. SQL Server has improved its portfolio of very large database technologies to increase the availability of large databases. These new technologies create new challenges and opportunities for IT personnel. The role of the DBA is evolving.
This chapter covered the new management tools and .NET assemblies for programmatically working with SQL Server. It also covered new techniques for monitoring and managing SQL Server and looked at features for very large databases, backup and recovery, and SQL Server replication. Finally, this chapter discussed database mail and a sprinkling of business intelligence/analysis-oriented features related to database management.