Organizing Your Images
You now have a lot of images in Adobe PhotoShop Album. What do you do with them? How can you find anything? Where did those DisneyWorld photos from 2004 go? What you need to do is organize your images.
Adobe PhotoShop Album makes organization easy. There are two distinct ways to do this: by using dates or tags.
Using Date Organization
The default organization tactic is by date. Look at the scrub bar across the top of Adobe PhotoShop Album (you can click and drag it back and forth). Beneath the bar is a date. Your images are automatically collected into groups per month for any given date. So, if you are looking for the holiday photos taken last summer, drag the scrub bar to July 2004,when you took your vacation You will find your photos under that date (see Figure 5).
Figure 5 You can search for images by date.
This is handy, but any given month will have more than just the photos you are looking for. For instance, October might contain photos of Halloween, the fall trip you took, the kids competing in football, a birthday, and other events. What is needed is more detailed organization, which is where tags come into play.
Using Tag Organization
A tag is a category you can create that can then be associated with a specific image. Any one image can have several tags.
Creating and using tags is easy. From the Quick Guide screen that comes up when you open Adobe PhotoShop Album, choose Organize. If this is your first experience, you won't have any tags yet. Let's create one.
Select the Create New Tag button from the right column. The Tag Editor window pops up with a collection of categories. Choose Family from the drop-down menu and enter the value Football 2004. Select OK. You now have a blank tag you can use.
Drag the tag onto a photo. The first photo now becomes the icon for the tag. You can drag the tag onto any other photo, which creates an organized Adobe PhotoShop Album of images, as shown in Figure 6. Click the tag if you want to see all the images in any given Adobe PhotoShop Album. This will show you all of the images in that category. Easy and slick to use.
Figure 6 Using tags is an easy way to organize your memories.