Introduction to Refactoring to Patterns
In this chapter I offer a few thoughts on what refactoring is and what you need to do to be good at it. This chapter is best read in accompaniment with the chapter "Principles in Refactoring" [F].
What Is Refactoring?
A refactoring is a "behavior-preserving transformation" or, as Martin Fowler defines it, "a change made to the internal structure of software to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify without changing its observable behavior" [F, 53].
The process of refactoring involves the removal of duplication, the simplification of complex logic, and the clarification of unclear code. When you refactor, you relentlessly poke and prod your code to improve its design. Such improvements may involve something as small as changing a variable name or as large as unifying two hierarchies.
To refactor safely, you must either manually test that your changes didn't break anything or run automated tests. You will have more courage to refactor and be more willing to try experimental designs if you can quickly run automated tests to confirm that your code still works.
Refactoring in small steps helps prevent the introduction of defects. Most refactorings take seconds or minutes to perform. Some large refactorings can require a sustained effort for days, weeks, or months until a transformation has been completed. Even such large refactorings are implemented in small steps.
It's best to refactor continuously, rather than in phases. When you see code that needs improvement, improve it. On the other hand, if your manager needs you to finish a feature before a demo that just got scheduled for tomorrow, finish the feature and refactor later. Business is well served by continuous refactoring, yet the practice of refactoring must coexist harmoniously with business priorities.