Step 5: Showtime!
Displaying your slide show is easy. On your iPod, use the click wheel to display Photos, highlight the name of your slide show, and press the Select button. Pinkynailas opposed to thumbnailviews of the first bunch of slides appear. Select the image with which you want to start the show, and press the Select button. When the image appears, press the Select button again. When you release the button, the TV Off and TV On options may appear (if you set TV Out to Ask); highlight the appropriate option and press the Select button. The slide show begins.
Are you listening? You'll only hear the music if you have your headphones on or the iPod is hooked up to an external sound source or television.
You can use the iPod's controls to override the time of display per slide. For example, press Next/Fast-Forward to advance to the next slide or Play/Pause to stop and then restart the show at the currently displayed slide. Press Menu to end the show.
Cool, huh?