10.6 Shapes
Our basic toolbox for drawing on the screen consists of about a dozen classes, including:
An arrow indicates that the class pointing can be used where the class pointed to is required. For example, a Polygon can be used where a Shape is required; that is, a Polygon is a kind of Shape.
We will start out presenting and using
Simple_window, Window
Shape, Text, Polygon, Line, Lines, Rectangle, Function, Circle, Ellipse, etc.
Color, Line_style, Point
Later (Chapter 14), we’ll add GUI (user interaction) classes:
Button, In_box, Menu, etc.
We could easily add many more classes (for some definition of “easy”), such as
Spline, Grid, Block_chart, Pie_chart, etc.
However, defining or describing a complete GUI framework with all its facilities is beyond the scope of this book.