10.4 Using a GUI library
In this book, we will not use the operating system’s graphical and GUI (graphical user interface) facilities directly. Doing so would limit our programs to run on a single operating system and would also force us to deal directly with a lot of messy details. As with text I/O, we’ll use a library to smooth over operating system differences, I/O device variations, etc. and to simplify our code. Unfortunately, C++ does not provide a standard GUI library the way it provides the standard stream I/O library, so we use one of the many available C++ GUI libraries. So as not to tie you directly into one of those GUI libraries, and to save you from hitting the full complexity of a GUI library all at once, we use a set of simple interface classes that can be implemented in a couple of hundred lines of code for just about any GUI library.
The GUI toolkit that we are using (indirectly for now) is called Qt from www.qt.io. Our code is portable wherever Qt is available (Windows, Mac, Linux, many embedded systems, phones, browsers, etc.). Our interface classes can also be re-implemented using other toolkits, so code using them is potentially even more portable.
The programming model presented by our interface classes is far simpler than what common toolkits offer. For example, our complete graphics and GUI interface library is about 600 lines of C++ code, whereas the Qt documentation is thousands of pages. You can download Qt from www.qt.io, but we don’t recommend you do that just yet. You can do without that level of detail for a while. The general ideas presented in Chapter 10 – Chapter 14 can be used with any popular GUI toolkit. We will of course explain how our interface classes map to Qt so that you will (eventually) see how you can use that (and similar toolkits) directly, if necessary.
We can illustrate the parts of our “graphics world” like this:
Our interface classes provide a simple and user-extensible basic notion of two-dimensional shapes with limited support for the use of color. To drive that, we present a simple notion of GUI based on “callback” functions triggered by the use of user-defined buttons, etc. on the screen (Chapter 14).