Staffing Issues
Staffing can be one of the most frustrating parts of implementing any new technology. Because Web services are a fairly new solution, it can be somewhat difficult to find qualified and experienced staff to implement a workable solution.
The staffing issue can be twofold. Managers and architects are not up to speed on the technology and, as such, might not trust "that new-fangled gizmo with all the hype." On the other side of the equation is the development staff who aren't familiar enough with all the ins and outs of the technology to know how to properly build solutions based on it. Hopefully, by reading this book, a lot of the problems can be resolved for both of these groups.
As with any new technology, to find qualified, experienced personnel, it might be necessary to pay a premium price. Although the recent downturn in the IT marketplace has made the available talent pool deeper, truly good developers can still be hard to find. It might be necessary to bring in an experienced contractor to help jumpstart your project. The other alternative is to train from within your organization. Both solutions have their good and bad points and must be weighed with your organization's needs in mind.