Read the follow-on article in this series, Testing your internationalized Eclipse plug-in (developerWorks, July 2002).
The Eclipse Platform adopts the internationalization implementation provided with the Java SDK, so it's helpful to read the Java Tutorial: Internationalization trail (Sun Microsystems, Inc., 2002).
The article "Understanding Layouts in SWT" covers implementation issues in detail ( Web site, March 2001).
Also see the article "Creating Product Branding" for more information on translatable resources ( Web site, November 2001).
Check out the native2ascii utility (included with the Java SDK), which handles codepage conversions and inserts any necessary Unicode escapes.
Download the Resource Bundle Manager tool on the IBM alphaWorks site. RBManager automates the tedious tasks associated with creating, updating, and managing resource bundle files; it also prevents most common mistakes from being propagated across bundles. This tool is helpful for development teams working on internationalized applications and Web-based services.
Developing International Software for Windows 95 and Windows NT by Nadine Kano (Microsoft Press, 1995), ISBN 1-55615-840-8, contains extensive detail about codepages, Unicode, and other aspects of Win32. It has not been updated for Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000, but most of the material is still valid.
For an introduction to the Eclipse Platform and how it operates, read the article "Working the Eclipse Platform", by Greg Adams and Marc Erickson (developerWorks, November 2001).
Visit the Web site for more information on Eclipse.