The following workshop consists of a series of quiz questions and practical exercises. The quiz questions are designed to test your overall understanding of the current material. The practical exercises give you the opportunity to apply the concepts discussed during the current hour, as well as build on the knowledge you acquired in previous hours of study. Be sure to complete the quiz questions and exercises before continuing to the next hour. Refer to Appendix C, “Answers to Quizzes and Exercises,” for answers.
What does the acronym SQL stand for?
What is a schema? Give an example.
How do logical and physical components within a relational database differ? How are they related?
What keys are used to define and enforce referential integrity in a relational database?
What is the most basic type of object in a relational database?
What elements comprise this object?
Must primary key column values be unique?
Must foreign key column values be unique?
For the following exercises, refer to Figure 1.6, earlier in this hour.
Who are Mary Smith’s dependents?
How many employees do not have dependents?
How many duplicate foreign key values exist in the DEPENDENTS table?
Who is Tim’s parent or guardian?
Which employee can be deleted without first having to delete any dependent records?