Some Miscellaneous Points
You'll notice that some of the code examples use select statements in the form select * from while others use named columns. Using select * can have serious problems in some database drivers, which break if a new column is added or a column is reordered. Although more modern environments don't suffer from this, it's not wise to use select * if you're using positional indices to get information from columns, as a column reorder will break code. It's okay to use column name indices with a select *, and indeed column name indices are clearer to read; however, column name indices may be slower, although that probably won't make much difference given the time for the SQL call. As usual, measure to be sure.
If you do use column number indices, you need to make sure that the accesses to the result set are very close to the definition of the SQL statement so they don't get out of sync if the columns are reordered. Consequently, if you're using Table Data Gateway (144), you should use column name indices as the result set is used by every piece of code that runs a find operation on the gateway. As a result it's usually worth having simple create/read/update/delete test cases for each database mapping structure you use. This will help catch cases when your SQL gets out of sync with your code.
It's always worth making the effort to use static SQL that can be precompiled, rather than dynamic SQL that has to be compiled each time. Most platforms give you a mechanism for precompiling SQL. A good rule of thumb is to avoid using string concatenation to put together SQL queries.
Many environments give you the ability to batch multiple SQL queries into a single database call. I haven't done that for these examples, but it's certainly a tactic you should use in production code. How you do it varies with the platform.
For connections in these examples, I just conjure them up with a call to a "DB" object, which is a Registry (480). How you get a connection will depend on your environment so you'll substitute this with whatever you need to do. I haven't involved transactions in any of the patterns other than those on concurrency. Again, you'll need to mix in whatever your environment needs.