The Windows Forms classes are located in the ___________________ namespace.
By setting the _______________ property in a control, I can make sure that my code is not changed if someone inherits my form.
The ______________ property returns an array of MdiChildren in an MDI application.
What are the properties in the Properties window that enable you to specify the location, docking, and resizing capabilities of a control?
True or False: I can tell many controls to perform the same method by setting the SameMethod property in the Properties window.
True or False: The Windows Forms Designer Generated code should not be changed.
The _____________ argument and the _____________ argument are always passed as parameters to events for a control.
Quiz Answers
You need to change the Modifiers property to Private.
The MdiChildren property will allow you to loop through the collection of MdiChild forms in your application. You can use the MdiChildren.Length property to determine the number of open MdiChildren in you application.
The Dock, Alignment, and Location properties allow you to control how and where controls are positioned on your forms.
False. There is no SameMethod property. In order to have your controls perform the same function, use the Handles keyword in VB.NET or simply create a new delegate in C#.
True. You can change the Windows Forms Designer Generated code, but you risk the Forms designer changing it once you switch back to Design view.
System.Object and System.EventArgs.